Chapter VII

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Chapter VII

"Confidence is something you create within yourself by believing in who you are."

-Vanessa McCloud

The moment everyone saw how swollen her lips had been, they didn't speak for about thirty minutes. Mitchel was the first to speak. He had asked if she wanted to play Mario Kart. She had responded with a yes, but was too distracted to win.

The kiss wasn't as exciting as they always depicted it in movies or books. There were no electric spasms moving from the place where he touched her, there was no sweet taste. If anything, he tasted like smoke. She still, however, felt herself melting whenever he kissed her. She didn't know if this was what it was like. She wanted it to be him so badly, but something told her he wasn't it.

Eventually, some of them began to leave. Fai and Charlotte were first to go, and eventually Aristide and Zoe left. All that was left were Leyna, Estal, Michal, Troy, and Mitchel.

Leyna turned to her. "So, can I sleep over?"

"Sure, you can borrow some of my clothes."

Leyna smiled at her. Troy walked forward. "What about all us back here?"

"I mean, if you really want to..."

"It's settled then!" Michal announced as he slung an arm over Leyna and Troy.

Andrea guided them up to her room, and knocked on Caleb's door, asking if the boys could borrow some of his clothes. Caleb grunted a 'yes', so Andrea went to grab four shirts and four shorts. When she came out, none of the boys grabbed the shorts except for Estal. The others said they'd sleep in their boxers. Michal turned down the shirt, so Troy did as well. Mitchel and Estal gladly accepted it.

When Andrea walked into her room, Leyna was staring out her window as she sat at the desk in front of it. Andrea looked out to see a man leaning against the tree out front. Another man was in front of him, pacing. Andrea closed the blinds, and then sat on her bed.

"So, how was kissing Jacob?" Leyna asked, still staring through the cracks of the blinds.

"I don't know..."

Leyna's head snapped to hers. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"I didn't feel...right, you know?"

Leyna nodded. "I guess I get you."

Andrea nodded as the door opened. Mitchel was standing there. "Where will we be sleeping?"

"You can all sleep in here."

"All...five? Even the boys?" Leyna asked, nervously glancing at the boys.

"Yeah. Me and you can share my bed and the boys can sleep either on the ground or in my desk chair, which I doubt anyone will want to sleep in."

"Sounds fine to me." Estal said as he walked over to sit at the foot of Andrea's queen bed.

Leyna walked over to the left side of the bed and sat down. Troy muttered something to Michal before sitting in the space between Leyna's side and the wall. Leyna gave him a death look but he simply pretended to be wounded. Leyna rolled her eyes before laying down. Michal moved next to Estal, so Mitchel went to Andrea's side.

Andrea suddenly felt self-conscious about her baggy shirt and long sweat pants. Mitchel smiled at her, and she tried to keep her eyes off of his boxers.

That night, everyone was asleep, except for Andrea. She carefully tried to get up, but as soon as her foot touched the ground, Mitchel spoke. "Can't sleep?"

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