Questions for the Characters?

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Hey there!

So I have decided to do a Q & A with the Myth High characters!

This gives you a chance to ask any character(s) any number of questions!

Trust me, there are few things I won't accept.

I already asked a few people via private messaging/texting for some questions and I have some already, but I want to include all of you guys too!

So, if you've had a question you've been dying to ask one of these characters, then go on ask head and comment it down bellow!

Once I get a few, I'll probably publish the part.


On the Myth Series Files book that I have, I am uploading character interviews!

If you have any questions for those, then go on ahead and comment on the part saying that interviews are going to a be held after this part!

Anyways, that's all I have to say for now!

Have a good week, everyone!


Here's some Stitch's to make your day brighter!

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