Chapter X

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Chapter X

"The trouble is, you think you have time."


Mitchel sat on her bed, tapping his knee as he waited for her. He took in a breath through his nose as he stared down at his phone. He didn't know why he felt this way about her. Why would he think about a human like this?

He didn't dislike her, he just questioned what was with him and his father falling for humans. Victoria proved to be one of the more despicable of the species, but Andrea was...Mitchel didn't even know how to describe her. He wanted her so badly, but she was in love with Jacob.

That night he'd first slept over, she had been so close to him. That was when he first realized how she made him feel. When she sobbed into his shirt, he wanted nothing more then to bring her face to his and kiss her, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. He wanted to hold her forever, but he couldn't.

When they had been in the bathroom and he'd soon how wonderful she looked after cleaning up, he had to curl his toes, grit his teeth, bite his tongue, and dig his fingernails into his palm to stop himself from attempting to violate her.

Angels shouldn't have thought like that anyways. Not true angels, for that matter he thought to himself. However, that statement began making less and less sense to him over time. What even was a true Angel? How would one know they were a true angel? Why use a term that has no meaning?

It was difficult to be one of the supernatural world. Having to hide yourself from every human in creation because you're scared of what they'd do to you. He completely got it, but he didn't like it. In fact, it was the exact opposite of what he wanted to desperately. He'd love to fly around in New York, with everyone waving and smiling up at him as he did so. Out of this thought sprung the need to spread his wings.

They were About the same size of him when they were folded up, but when let out, they were twice the size of him. Unlike most angel's wings, his were a dark gray. He frowned, knowing what this meant.

Perhaps the true meaning of 'pure Angel' was based off the wing color. Most angels had white wings, or slightly tinted wings. The worst of Angels, such as Lucifer, had black wings. Angels who were never destined for a side had gray or dark gray wings.

Mitchel never showed his wings to other Angels. Only his mother knew of the color of his wings. Most Angels with Darker wings were sent to containment cells, in case they'd choose the wrong side. Long ago, they simply asked what side you'd support, but many Angels lied, and at the time, no one had the ability to see if they were telling the truth or not.

The feathers of his wings were soft, much softer the most Angels' wings. His mother said his feathers were softer because he had more love in his heart then others, and thus his wings were the middle ground, being the one who chose no side. She said that because of this, he would never join a specific side unless his special someone was on a certain side.

Mitchel remembered a buried memory deep within his mind. He closed his eyes as it replayed in his mind.

"Mommy, why must we hide from humans?"

His mother turned to him, her blonde hair falling into her eyes slightly. "Mitchel, we hide form the humans because they might try to hurt us."

"They are evil?"

"No, not evil."

"But you said they'd harm us."

His mother chuckled. "Honey, not every human is bad. Many humans have darkness in their hearts, but other shave none. Just because they harm one another, doesn't mean that they are terrible. We Angels have had our fair share of wars. We've killed our own before. Other beings like ourselves have murdered their own for even worse reasons. Humans aren't as strong as us. They don't have wings, they can't transform into animals, and they can't perform spells, but they are smart. In fact, you can call them smarter then almost every creature like ourselves. They've survived for hundreds or thousands of years when many other beings have been wiped out or have only been around for a few years. Humans have advanced weapons that we have used as bases for ours. Just because they may harm us, doesn't mean they will. Mitchel, you will one day find the love of your life. Who knows, perhaps they could be human, right? I know your father was in love with a human before he met me, but she never wanted him. I know, that one day I may not be here, and I want him to be with someone special. Mitchel, I love you, alright? I will love whoever you love. Don't ever be afraid to love someone who isn't an angel, alright?"

"Yes, mommy."

"Good boy." She said sweetly as she kissed the top of his head.

Mitchel smiled at the memory. His mother's words bounced through his mind. It's as if she knew who he would fall in love with. As soon as he thought that, his eyes widened. He couldn't be in love with Andrea. They had only knew each other for a little less than a month or so.

But then again, he thought she had only known Jacob for a short while. Perhaps I have a chance?

He shook his head. He knew he had no chance with her. She was perfect. She was adorable and she was too kind for a guy like him. He closed his eyes. He felt like he was the most incomplete man without her. Perhaps he'd have time to get to know her more. Perhaps he'd be able to find out if she felt the same way in the future.

Mitchel nodded. He'd ask her how she truly felt about Jacob as soon as she got back. He'd seen her. She didn't look that happy to be with him. She seemed to be trying too hard.

Standing up, he looked around the room. He smiled. Things were going to be great!

Caleb suddenly burst through the door. "Where is Andrea?"

"She went to Jacob's house."

"There's been a spike of demonic activity." Came Garroth's voice form the hall. "It's like hey are all gathering here for something."

Mitchel shook. He knew exactly what they wanted.

His father had warned him. He had told him how precious she would be. He made him swear to protect her. Shaking his head, Mitchel bolted into the hall. He needed to get to her before it was too late.

If it already wasn't.

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