Character Q&A

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Here is a few questions I got from a few readers to some of my characters.

Have fun.


Timothy, why you so hot boi?

-Your Future Lover

Well well well, aren't you a sight to behold, beautiful lady. And to answer your fantasmical question, it is a supernatural gift that cannot be explained.

Andrea, if you could date anyone besides Mitchel, who would it be and why?

This is a tough question. In all honesty, I'd probably date Aristide. Why? Well, he seems to be into a lot of the stuff I'm into, and he's pretty hilarious and Mitchel's best friend. Though, I don't think I could be with anyone but Mitchel.

Mitchel, have you and Andrea banged yet?


Garroth, what do you like about being a Monster Hunter?

I particularly love the thought of saving the world. As it has been stated before, we only intervene when the species does nothing to stop something that could either harm or expose them to humans. It brings me great joy when I stop a potentially catastrophic event.

Lucifer, will you marry me?

All you had to do was ask, darling.


No, dear, it was simply...fate.

Troy, do you sparkle? (Please say no)

Damn you, Cullen! You've ruined the integrity of all us real vampires! No, I do not. In fact, I actually smoke. Like, hotly. My body looks extra hot when I'm in the sun, like any other god like myself.

Michal, do you hate Troy? (Please say no)

Seeing as him and I have been best friends for years, no, I do not hate him. Though, his constant screwing of girls was annoying.

Aristide, can you be my lover in the night?

I'm speechless. In a disturbed way. No, I will not, confusing human.

Darrin, do you eat wolves?

-Bubba (my Lil Broski), I do not...

Darrin, do you hate my Bae Tim?

I dislike him for being the main reason why my cousin is in a coma, but hate is a strong word.


Wha...since when?!

Leyna, stop being Leyna, Leyna!

Why are humans the dominant species?

Fai, can you teach me how to be a fairy?


SURE! Though, it'll be a little tough. You'll need-
Sorry folks! This part is cut out for security purposes! Good day!
And that's how you can become a fairy! Have fun, future fairy!

Estal, can I like, just, you know, become an elf, marry you, and have children?


That's physically impossible.

Drake, did you give her inspiration for writing this book?


Who's to say I'm not her? What if this is a pen name? You never know, my dear. You'll never know.

Liam, are you jealous of the monsters?


Honestly? No, I am not. I'd much rather not have super cool powers. Hope that answered your question.

Draco, are you like Draco Malfoy?


No, I'm much less petty, and, quite frankly, more attractive than that little boy with the slicked back hair.

Jacob, why did you do it?


Lucifer. If you were a lower level demon, you'd completely understand.

Caleb, how did you feel when Andrea got enrolled in the school?


Honestly? I was terrified. I knew all of these people were not human, and knowing she wasn't completely human, well, I figured there'd be some complications. That's why I got the Monster Hunters to send Tim and Garroth over. Though, we all saw how that turned out.

Mitchel, what exactly are you and why are you the way that you are?


Well, I am an Angel. Not of high class, but a nirmal, everyday, Angel. I am the way I am because of the death of my mother. I don't know if you remember, but I told Andrea about how my mom had been killed by a human, hence why I despised them for the longest time. Along the way, however, I ended up starting to warm up to them when Andrea came into my life.

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