six : heart attack

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Song/title of the chapter: Heart Attack by Demi Lovato

"I think I'd have a heart attack."


Seeing all sixteen Nicholson boys in action scared the living shit out of me.

There was so many of them, and watching them all do something at once was terrifying.

Isaiah was the first one to notice me standing at the bottom of the staircase, nervously tugging at the sleeve of my wool sweater. He slipped away from Tanner and walked over to me. "Are you hiding?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Aria," he frowned, "come and meet everyone! They don't bite, I promise."

I sighed. He took my hand led me to the living room. He grabbed an air horn off a table and blew it. The other fifteen boys groaned and covered their ears, glaring at him.

"Guys," Isaiah announced, "this is Aria, the girl who Mum told us about."

A pair of triplets, older than the ones I had met earlier, walked up to me and Isaiah. They grinned, one of them flashing me a braced smile. "Christian, Jordan, and Dalton."

They were triplets, but just like Isaiah, Rodney, and Elliot, they were all different. Christian was the average, most-likely-not-crazy looking one, Dalton looked like someone who could be in a rock band or something, his sleeve of tattoos adding to that, and Jordan gave off a fuckboy vibe. I knew it wasn't right to judge a book by its cover, but oh well.

"Aria Silvers," I shook all their hands. They were so soft. "Nice to meet you."

Jordan winked. "You too."

Looking at Jordan reminded me of Jacob Sartorius, braces and all, and in my book, that wasn't necessarily a good thing.

The final and oldest looking set of triplets approached me, and these three were super fucking attractive, not that the other weren't.

All of them literally looked exactly the same – I know that sounds dumb because they're identical – but they were exactly the same. With the others, they all dressed totally different and presented themselves differently, but these three were dressed in the exact same outfits, just in different colours.

Even their dark brown hair was messed up in the same style, and they all had this little mischievous glint in their bright green eyes.

"Pauly," the first one held out his hand, and I was shocked at the fact that he had an accent, like a watered down British accent. I shook it.

"Gregory," the next one smiled, and he had the same accent. I shook his hand as well.

The last one seemed like he didn't want to shake my hand. It wasn't until Pauly and Gregory glared at him that he huffed and stepped forward, lazily holding out his hand. "Jeremy," he grumbled. I quickly shook his hand and then let go. He had the accent, too.

"Sorry for him." Pauly rolled his eyes.

I shook my head. "No worries."

The twins walked up to me next with two older boys and a little boy following behind them. The twins introduced themselves first. "Marcus and Mason Nicholson."

"Aria Silvers," I smiled down at them. They were adorable. As they smiled, two dimples popped out on their cheeks.

"David," one of the older ones gave me a wink. I felt my cheeks heat up as he kissed my hand. The one standing behind him smacked the back of his head.

"Wesley," he sighed, "please don't mind my brother. He's a horndog."

"Dude, no I'm not." David retorted.

Wesley rolled his eyes. "I beg to differ."

"Go say hi, Jonah." Mason and Marcus were speaking to their younger brother. Jonah looked at me, his big brown eyes filled with curiosity.

I bent down. "I don't bite, sweetie. I swear."

Jonah slowly approached me. He was biting on his nail. "Hi."

I smiled. "Hello."

"I'm Jonah." He said.

"I'm Aria," I held out my hand to him and he shook it. His little hand a bit sweaty, but that was okay.

"You already know me!" Tanner chuckled from the couch and I laughed.

"Where's Nicky?" Isaiah looked around.

Christian shrugged. "I dunno."

"He's been locked in his room all day long." Jonah explained.

Rodney raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I think he and dad fought or something." Wesley ran his hand through his light brown hair. "Dad said some pretty messed up shit to him."

Jonah sighed. "Daddy left a while ago and hasn't come back."

"How long is a while?" Tanner called.

"Like, almost four hours." Pauly said. At least, I think it was Pauly.

My head suddenly started to pound. I winced, trying not to make it noticeable, but the pain was slowly becoming unbearable. I grabbed hold of Isaiah because I swear I was either going to fall or pass out.

"You okay?" Isaiah asked.

"Yeah," I hissed. The pounding was seriously starting to hurt.

"Get her some water." David demanded. Isaiah and Rodney guided me to the couch and sat me down gently. I held my head and winced.

"What the fuck is this?" I muttered to myself. Wesley brought me a glass of water and some aspirin. I thanked him and gulped it down.

"You all right?" Christian asked.

"I'll survive." I replied with a weak smile.

"Want me to take you to a clinic or something?" Tanner was rubbing my back.

I shook my head. "No, no. No need. I'm fine."

"Aria, it won't be any trouble." David insisted.

"I said I'm fine." I growled. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. "I'm fine."

"Isaiah, take her upstairs." Tanner said. "She needs to rest."

"It's probably just jet lag or something." Elliot gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back and waved to the boys as Isaiah led me up the stairs.

"Ugh, this blows." I grumbled.

"Are you really okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I probably need a nap or something."

"Here we are." Isaiah insisted on helping me into bed, which I thought was very kind of him.

"Rest," he told me, "you don't need to worry about anything."

I nodded. Isaiah gave me a smile before leaving. I snuggled deeper into the blankets, closing my eyes, but when the image of my mother's body appeared, I shot up, startled.

I gulped and pulled my hair away from my face. An alarm sitting on the night side table was blinking 8:27pm. I knew I wasn't going to fall asleep anytime soon.

Surviving the Nicholson Boys (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now