Chapter 1: You Worry Too Much

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Cassie's POV

"Mom, I'm going to ride Ace!" I yell from the front door as I grab my keys to my truck and head out the door. I throw my hat on my head and go to my ford, opening the back door. (Ace is above)

"Get in." I say to my German Shepard, mocha. Once she is in I close the door and get in myself. I start the car and back out of the driveway and start driving to Morgan's house.

Morgan and I had a promise, that whenever I went to ride Ace I had to go pick her up so she could 'supervise' what is going on.

I get there and park in the grass. "Stay. I'll be right back." I say to mocha and crack the window, get out and close the door. I walk up the the front porch and walk in.

"Morgan! I am going to ride and if you are not ready to go in 5 minutes I am leaving with or without you!" I yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"Calm your ãss I'm coming!" She yells back grabbing her boots from the top of the stairs as she is running down them. She gets to the bottom, slips her boots on and we are out the door.

"I still don't understand why you won't listen to me and quit. I can't lose you." She says, and I get in my truck.

I look over waiting for her to get in and mocha is sitting in her seat. "Hey you. Get in the back." I laugh and she jumps in the back. Morgan gets in and we are off to the stables.

"And I still don't understand why you want me to give up my dream just because of one incident." I say

"It wasn't just one. It was that one. The one that Wishbone fell on your leg almost breaking it. Then Ace and Wishbone bucking you off multiple times. You getting kicked. And Ace throwing you over the fence." She says looking at me.

"Just get it through your brain that I am not quitting anytime soon. I told my dad that I would fulfill his and my own dreams. And I am going to do just that. He never got first in anything in the rodeo, and he told me that it is his dream for to me to get number one in at least one rodeo with anything that I can, for him. And I am going to do just that, and nobody can stop me." I say keeping my eyes on the road.

"Fine. Whatever." She says dropping it.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask glancing at her for a split second, then looking back.

"No. Its just that I don't want to lose you." Morgan says looking out the window.

"I don't want to lose you either. But I also don't want to lose my dream." I say focusing on the road.

"I'm just gonna stop talking because I don't wanna get in a fight with you." Morgan says.

"That rodeo's tonight, isn't it?" I ask glancing at her.

"Yep. And then another in Autsin, the day after tomorrow. So we gotta get packed tonight and then leave early tomorrow." She says. "And I heard that one of them are gonna be here tonight and in Austin."

"OK. And?" I ask, not getting her point.

"And he is a pro bull rider. Isn't it obvious that he is gonna beat our wannabes? And I heard he is cute and single. You could get him." She says wiggling her eyebrows, I just shake my head at her. "All our friends are freaking out because he is so cute and is transferring to our school after Austin!" She says yelling at the end.

"Who is he anyways?" I ask calmly.

"Dustin Tayler. He's 19 and just moved here. He is PBR and is going to the rodeo tonight! Rumor is he is riding Astroid." She says.

"Really? He's riding Astroid? Nobody ever wants to ride him." I say as we get to the stables. "And I don't see the big deal of him coming here." I chuckle turning the truck off and getting out, closing my door and opening the back one. "C'mon baby." I say and Mocha jumps out.

"The big deal is that he's one of the hottest guys on earth and he is coming to our school. And he is one of the best bull riders in the country and he is coming to our rodeo and school. Aren't you excited?" She says.

"There's nothing to be excited about. He's just a person. He's just like me. A teen with a dream. Do you want him to quit what he does because he could die? No. Probably just because he's cute. Huh?" I say rolling my eyes and walking to the barn.

"No. I don't know him. Why would I want him to quit? Yea he's gotten hurt many times. But it's his passion. He's been doing it his whole li-." She says and then stops.

"So have I! You want me to quit because I could get injured. But so could he. But you don't care about him if he dies or not because you don't know him. But you think I should quit because you know me. But guess what. I don't care if you want me to quit or not. I have been doing this my whole life too. This is my passion, my hobby, my dream. And you want me to throw it all away just because I could get hurt." I say going into Ace's stall.

"I know it's your passion and your dream. But you could die. You could die and I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that I didn't try to stop you." She says and leans on the closed gate as I brush my horse.

"Wake up! I am never going to quit living my life the way I want to, until I HAVE to. Nobody forced me into this. But nobody can force me out, besides myself. And I don't care if I die doing this. At least I died happy, fulfilling my dream. You could die in your backyard. That doesn't mean that I'm gonna tell you to stay inside and stop living your life. You worry too much. Just sit back and relax. Even if I do get hurt. I will be fine." I say.

"I'm just gonna stop talking about it because I don't want you to get mad at me." She says as I walk out of the stall and grab the saddle and bridle, putting them both on the gate as I go inside. I toss the blanket on Ace's back and get that situated then do the same to the saddle. I strap it tightly on her body, then put their bridal on.

"Be safe. I love you. I will be at the fence watching." Morgan says hugging me.

"Jeez. Mor I'm gonna be fine. Love you." I say grabbing the reins and walking Ace out and into the pen. I close the gate to the pen and get one her.

"Be safe!" Morgan yells from the side. I just laugh and shake my head giving her a thumbs up before riding Ace around the pen.

After a couple minutes of riding around I hear a dog barking. I slow down and pretty soon I hear Morgan yelling for me to watch out and get off. As I am trying to figure out what's going on Ace starts freaking out. I try to hold on as best as I can but pretty soon I am getting thrown off and onto the dirt. I try to get out of the way as Ace is right by me bucking and going crazy. The dog is nipping at her hooves and I try to move as one comes smashing down onto my leg. I scream out in pain as people come running trying to get the dog away and Ace to calm down. I hurry and drag myself off to the side. They couldn't get the dog away and someone ran to get the gun.

It was something they had to do. They shot it up in the air and the dog ran away. Ace has been around it so she was fine but was still a little jumpy because of the dog.

The adrenaline faded and I could feel the shooting pain in my leg. Tears started flowing one after another down my face.

"Are you okay!? Please tell me you didn't get hurt! Give me a thumbs up or down!" I hear morgan yell. I give her a fast thumbs down and the people put Ace away and call an ambulance. Morgan runs in the pen and up to me.

"Where?" She asks and I point to my leg.

"She stepped on it." I say quietly through my tears as people are starting to surround me and the pen.

"Who owns the border collie?!" The owner, Jenn, yells.

"White and brown?" Someone asks from around the pen.

"Yea. Is it yours?" Jenn asks

"Yea. why? What happened?" He asks climbing the fence.

"Well sir. Your dog just attacked this young ladies horse making her get thrown off, getting stomped on, and breaking her leg. And you could be charged. You are not allowed to bring that dog any longer." Jenn says.

"Did someone call an ambulance?" Morgan asks.

"Already done." Some says as we start hearing sirens in the distance.

"Are you quitting now?" Morgan asks.

"As I said before I will never quit." I say with a smile on my face as an ambulance drives up.

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