Chapter 8: Surprise

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Cassie's pov

I look at the time and my eyes widen in shock seeing its 2:15. I have 45 minutes and I am still not ready. I get up and go into the main bathroom and change into my outfit I had already picked out. I do my normal makeup, consealer, powder, mascara, filling in my eyebrows, and a slight bit eyeliner. I quickly curl my hair into loose beach waves. Now its 2:55. I sigh walking out of the bathroom.

"You look great." Morgan says. "Like always."

"Thanks." I say awkwardly.

"Please don't be mad at me any longer. I can't stand it." She says standing up.

"How am I not supposed to be mad? You pretty much told me that I was trying to get someone because I was talking to him." I say

"C'mon Cass. We have known each other since kindergarten. We have gotten in so many arguments it's unbelievable. Please. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." Morgan says grabbing my hands from my sides and holding them in between us.

"I guess you're right. I'm sorry I got mad." I say hugging her.

"You're totally fine. Now finish getting ready. Even though you look perfect already." She says releasing me from the hug.

"Could you grab my phone and wallet for me? I don't feel like tripping over everything like last time." I laugh. She nods her head and walks into our room, grabbing my stuff and walking back into the room.

"Thank you." I say as the doorbell rings.

"I forgot my rings. Will you get that?" I ask walking to the bathroom. I grab my ringz and stand there hearing their conversation, messing with the rings i have just now put on my fingers.

"She's grabbing something really fast." Morgan says.

"No problem." Dustin says.

"She looks amazing. Just a warning, you might have a heart attack when you see her." She laughs. "She looks that great."

"I bet she does." He says, melting my heart.

I walk out of the bathroom and into the living room where they were waiting for me.

"You look great." He says smiling.

"Thank you." I smile back.

"These are for you." He says handing me a bouquet of flowers.

"So sweet." I smile. "Will you put these in water for me? And make sure mocha doesn't eat them like she likes to do with flowers." I laugh handing them to morgan.

"We should get going." Dustin says.

"Have fun, but not too much fun." Morgan says, winking as we walk out the door.

"So where are we going?" I ask, shrugging off what Morgan has just said.

"Again. It's a surprise." He laughs opening the door of his truck for me.

"Thank you." I say as he helps me in the truck. "But why does it have to be a surprise? What's so special that it has to be a surprise." I continue after he gets in.

"It's just a surprise." He chuckles and starts driving.

"Ugh. Fine." I say smiling like an idiot.


"We're almost there. Put this on." Dustin says handing me a bandana.

"You're not gonna kill me, are you?" I laugh putting the piece of fabric over my eyes.

"Eh, not today." He laughs, jokingly.

"Good. Cuz I don't feel like dying today." I say, "and just so you know, I can't walk with with my eyes open. So if I die I'm sorry, and it's all your fault."

"I'll make sure you won't die." He laughs.

"Thank you. That means a lot. Morgan would have been like 'you're on your own. Try not to die.' " I laugh.

"Well I'm not like that." He replies.

"Thats a good thing. But i am like that so... " i laugh trailing off my sentence jokingly.

"And i will learn to deal with it." He says laughing as i feel the car come to a stop and he turns off the engine.

"Stop being so sweet." I laugh trying to find his shoulder, and when i do i push him slightly. He just chuckles and gets out of the car and opens my door, helping me out. We walk for a little bit him guiding me where to go and me trusting him not to make me walk off a cliff.

"Surprise." He says removing the blindfold from my eyes. My vision clears and we are at a lake. There's fairy lights strung between the trees and there's blankets set up in the middle. There's also a white cloth strung inbetween two trees and a projector in front of that, so its like a little outdoor movie theater.

"I love it." I say smiling, again, like an idiot.

"That's good because this took foreverrr." He laughs exangerating 'forever.'

"You now have my trust." I laugh.

"And why is that?" He laughs and we go to sit down on the blankets layed on the ground

"Because you didnt make me walk off a cliff or run into a tree or anything." I laugh.

"I wouldnt do that." He laughs

"Thats good" i laugh

"Yeah it is. I wouldn't do anything to damage that pretty little face of yours." He says gazing into my eyes.

"And that damn southern charm has knocked me off my feet again." I said quietly, getting lost in his eyes.

We just sit there staring into eachother's eyes for a bit until a loud obnoxious bird just has to ruin the moment. We both just laugh it off, trying to vlear the moment of any awkward air.

"Those dang bird always ruining everything special." He says chuckling slightly.

"Oh, i know right. Theyre just so obnoxious. It's like just get your own area this one is taken." I say laughing.

"I cant get over how every time you laugh it's like it's the first time I've heard it, and its music to my ears." He says, dramatically falling down backwards with his arms spread open wide as if he were falling from the sky.

"And i still cant get over your smile. Its like a masterpiece painted on a masterpiece which you call your perfect face that has me dyingg." I say dramatizing the last word and smiling laying down next to him.

"Hey Cass..?" He says turning his head to look at me.

"Yeah..?" I say turning to lay on my stomach and look at him.

"Why does it feel like we've known eachother forever but it's not even been 24 hours..?" He asks seriously.

"I dont know to be completely honest. I guess its just how well our personalities fit so well in with eachothers. It's like a match made in heaven." I say laughing

"I know youre joking but i cant help but think its true." He says looking into my eyes for the second time today.

"You know, sometimes i forget that i literally met you last night and that it would be disrespectful for me to just kiss you out of nowhere." I say gazing back into his eyes...


AHHHH Guys im so sorry i havent updated in such a long time. So much has happened since i was last on here. I just hope you like this update and i hope to have more coming out soon (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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