Chapter 4: Hello Austin

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Cassie's POV

"Wake up!" Tyler (my brother) yells running in my room with an air horn.

"Go away!" I yell pulling my pillow over my head.

"You don't wanna be late for the rodeo. Do you?" He asks blowing the horn again.

"What time is it?" I ask removing the pillow off my head.

"10:00. Morgan is showering. Might wanna get packed." He says walking out.

"Get mom! I need her help!" I yell and stand up. I walk over to my dresser and put my track shorts on.

"Tyler said you needed me." My mom says walking in.

"Yea. I need help packing." I sigh sitting back down on my bed.

"OK. Tell me what to do master." She says.

"Hey! That's not funny! Now get my suitcase you peasant." I say pointing to the top of my closet laughing.

She laughs and grabs it, bringing it down and helping me fill it full of clothes and stuff I will need. After we finish, she leaves and Morgan finally comes out of the bathroom.

"I have had to pee for the past 45 minutes! What took you so long?" I say rushing to the bathroom.

"Sorry. I was curling my hair." She says.

"Ha. I'm doing that at the house." I say walking out of the bathroom after finishing my business.

"Well you go get changed and we can go." She says.

"K." I say grabbing a gray loose crop top and my white converse. I put those on and grab my hat and we are out the door.

"Well since I can't drive. You are driving all 5 hours while I sleep. But we have to get gas first. So let's go." I say putting my crap in the back seat of my truck. I put Mocha in the back seat and get in myself. I take her everywhere.

I grab my phone seeing I have a text from an unknown number. I just ignore it and buckle up as Morgan drives to the gas station. When we get there I get out and go pay for gas and get snacks for the road.


"Where here!" Morgan yells parking the truck.

"Finally! Hello Austin." I say getting out and stretching. I put Mocha's leash on her and go into our rented house that we have for the week.

"Can you grab my stuff? Since I kinda cant." I say letting Mocha go into the fenced in back yard.

"Yea. I'll put it in our room." Morgan says. Going out to the truck to get.

"Thanks." I say when she comes back in.

"Yep. I'm going to sleep." She says flopping on her bed.

"Me too. I'm exhausted." I say doing the same.

"I'll get Mocha." She says and gets up and lets her in.

"Mocha!" I call for her and she runs in, beating Morgan in and jumps on my bed making herself comfortable.

"Big day tomorrow. Let's get some sleep." I say laying down after kicking off my shoe.

"Its only 4." Morgan laughs getting comfortable in her bed.

"I know. But we have to go to the store. Which I don't want to do. But we have to." I say getting comfortable.

"Ok. Yea. True. I'm going to sleep." She says closing her eyes

"Me too." I say closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.


"Wake up." I hear as I get a pillow to the back of my head.

"Why does everyone wake me up like that? Can't you just tell me to wake up in a normal way?" I say throwing my pillow at Morgan.

"No. Sorry. We gotta go to the store. C'mon." She says

"But I wanna stay here..." I say. "You know I hate shopping. Just go without me."

"I can't do that." She says.


"Because I need someone to talk to." She laughs

"Face time me. I am not getting out of this bed whether you like it or not."

"Fine. Whatever. Bye. But don't expect me to buy you food. And I am taking your truck." She say grabbing my keys and leaving.


Morgan has been gone for an hour now and I am starving and this place has no food. I sigh grabbing my phone and putting on my shoe. I grab the house key and walk out the door.

My phone starts ringing and I look down and see that Morgan is trying to face time me. I answer it and keep walking.

"Yea?" I ask plugging in my headphones.

"Hey. Should I get chocolate or vanilla ice cream?" She asks.

"I don't know." I say. "That's why you called me?" I ask

"Yea. And I'm getting vanilla."

"OK. Can I go now? I kinda need both hands to walk faster." I laugh

"Where are you going?" She says stopping whatever she was doing and looking directly at the screen.

"I'm going to get food. You were taking too long. I couldn't wait any longer. So if you get home and I'm not there, I am getting food. And you don't get any." I say

"No you're not. Go back in the house." She says.


"Please? I don't want you to get lost."

"No. You sound like my mom. Now, if you get home before me, then I am just getting food. Don't worry. I'll be fine. I've been here a thousand times. Just relax." I say ending the call and turning on music.

I continue to walk down the sidewalk to go find somewhere to buy food.

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