What will we see in the future?

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What will we see in the future?

This is a rhetorical question because we won't end up in the far future unless science comes up with some way to extend human life.

When I say far future I'm talking a thousand years or so, not millions or billions of years. Let's just say I would like to see these things become reality by the year 3000 even though I won't be here to actually see it.

That would be my first choice for a future technological breakthrough--life extension. I've already discussed methods to do this in 'The Theory of Nothing'. A means of extending human life for at least 150 years would be great.

The next would be to eliminate the major illnesses that kill us like coronary disease, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and Alzheimer's. Along with that we need a new and universal antibiotic that kill any known or unknown infection.
And, include in that wish an anti-viral agent that can stop viral infections at the beginning of their insidious attack. That requires something that can stop the method that viruses use to get inside the nuclei of cells.

Medical science must come up with a means to eliminate or counter birth defects, both physical and mental. The number of affected children born every year has grown. It's time to fix this problem so that everyone could start life with a full deck, so to speak.

While they're at it, a method of growing new organs, appendages and things like sight, hearing and taste would help make everyone whole again after injury or disease.

I believe that science will eventually provide us with androids that are almost like us. They would represent a new species of intelligent creatures. What that would do for the future of humanity has been discussed thoroughly, but it's only guesses. Eventually, robots and androids would eliminate dangerous and difficult physical jobs, allowing us to do the more contemplative and creative kind of pursuits. I realize that this idea has become the plot of many dystopian science fiction stories, but it could lead to a more friendly society, a society based on trust.

As you might expect, I went to see we humans going out and exploring not only the galaxy but also the universe. I would love to see us making contact with other intelligent species and exchanging ideas and technology. That would be mankind's ultimate scientific achievement. Humanity must colonize the universe if it has any hopes of surviving inevitable extinction. And, believe me when I say that humans will become extinct if they remain on this planet.

My last wish is something that will be much more difficult than any scientific or medical achievement. I would like to see the world enter a peaceful era without war or conflict, one in which all people, regardless of race, creed or color, live together in harmony with each other and nature. I'm not sure how this could be achieved because politicians are unable to do anything other than to line their own pockets, and the top one percent of wealth could care less about the people below them. My idea would be an unprecedented utopia only dreamed of by a few who believe that it's possible.

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