What are Angels?

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What are Angels?

I've discussed this subject before, but I want to explore the concept of why angels were created.
As most of you know, angels are spiritual beings that serve God and humans in a wide variety of ways. It is thought that God created angels before He created us. It is also believed that angels appear in both human and heavenly form. Their human form has manifested in a number of ways. In most classic art, angels are depicted as being male, but as time progressed angels took on a more feminine form. In many cases, angels appear to have wings.

The main historical religions--Judaism, Christianity and Islam--reveal that the most important task of angels is to worship God by praising Him in heaven. Other religions consider angels to be a product of New Age spirituality. Christianity also reveals that angels can turn from God and become demons.
The main purpose of angles as far as we are concerned is to deliver messages from God directly to us. In other words, they are God's communication methodology and act as intermediaries between God and us. The other main purpose is to guard us from harm, especially spiritual harm. This is the idea of guardian angels, and everyone has one.

The word 'angel' is a blend of Old English and Old French from the Latin 'angelus' (from the Greek angelos and from Hebrew), which means messenger. A good example of this role in the New Testament is when an angel appeared to Mary to tell her that she would become the mother of God. The idea of angels appears to be borrowed from Judaism.

Also borrowed from Judaism is the idea of an angel hierarchy. The best source for this is the subject of Angelology in the Jewish Encyclopedia. There is an on-line translated version of the 1906 document at jewishencyclopedia.com.

Angelology describes angels as being superhuman and capable of assuming human form. They often have swords or other weapons. They are described as being clothed in linen with their loins girded with fine gold and their bodies like beryl with a lightening face and eyes like lamps of fire. They have arms and feet with the color of polished brass. Awesome!

It's obvious that the early Israelites were aware of the role of angels in their lives and in their worship. Out of this came a definitive hierarchy. We also see the 'Four Angels of the Throne or the face of the Lord' as Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Fanuel (eventually changed to Raphael). This establishes where this angel hierarchy came from.

The Christian angelic hierarchy goes back to the 4th century and is listed in book with the title of 'De Coelesti Hierarchia'.

Angels, it seems, have levels of status and power. The levels are first divided into three spheres. Sphere One angels, such as Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones, serve God and Jesus directly. Seraphim are at the very top and they are around God's throne and continuously shout praises. They are fiery six-winged beings. Cherubim have four faces: man, ox, lion and eagle. They have four wings covered with eyes, and they have a lion's body and ox feet. They guard the throne. Thrones are sometimes described as wheels, but a better idea is that they are adoring-elder men.

The Second Sphere of angels, such as Dominions, Virtues and Powers, act as heavenly governors and control creation and rule spirits. Dominions are also known as Lordships and regulate the duties of lower angels. They look like typical angels with leathery wings. The also have orbs of light fastened to their heads and the pommels of their swords. Virtues are also known as Strongholds. They are what their name suggests: exhibiting the ultimate virtue and showing power and virility. Powers are also know as Authorities. They wear armor and helmets and wield swords, spears and chains, and carry shields. They supervise the movement of heavenly bodies. They are also the keepers of history.

Sphere Three angles, such as Principalities, Archangels, and Angels, are heavenly guides, protectors and messengers to us. Principalities are also known as Rulers. They wear a crown and carry scepters. They carry out the orders of the higher angels and oversee groups of people. They inspire people to the arts and sciences. In other words they act like educators and rule over the Earth. Archangels are above the rank of Angel. Good examples of archangels are Gabriel, Michael, Uriel and Raphael. There are many renditions of them in classical art. Angels are at the bottom of the ranks but they are the type that we recognize the most. They are our spiritual friends and guardians. They essentially act as God's messengers to us.

It's obvious that angels are spirits, but it's also obvious that they are not just ordinary spirits like our souls. They have special powers and abilities that we don't have. They definitely have the power to change our lives and save us. There have been many accounts of people being saved and guided from harm by angels. They are real, people! I have no doubt about that.

Thanks for reading.

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