The Shiva Effect

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The Shiva Effect

Okay, this is a rather wild idea but it matches up to the Hindu Lord Shiva's destructive power over the universe. One of Shiva's main tasks is to destroy things in order to transform life and energy. In other words, this chaos has a positive function.

One example of The Shiva Effect is the comet or asteroid that struck the Earth 65 million years ago to end the dinosaur era and make it possible for the mammal type creatures to thrive, subsequently ending up as us. In other words we owe Lord Shiva for our existence.

What's really crazy about this is the fact that astronomers have proposed a theory that dark matter interaction is responsible for this cosmological event.

Up until now the main dark matter theory is the WIMP, or weakly interactive massive particle. What's wrong with this theory is that scientists have been unable to find a WIMP particle, and it's not because they haven't been trying.
Time for a new theory, and this has resulted from the observation of the collision of two large galactic clusters. Astronomers have detected dark matter integrations that resulted in left over dark matter clumps.

The new theory suggests that dark matter is not unlike normal matter and can form dark atoms, dark molecules, perhaps even dark planets and dark universes. This would suggest that it could also emit dark light. That sounds contradictory but it could be that we are not looking in the right places for this.

What this means is that there is a dark matter universe out there that we are not yet aware of. This dark matter is like normal matter and is composed of its own sub atomic particles.

Now, here is where the Shiva effect comes into play. If dark matter can form atoms and molecules, it may be able to form a disc in our galaxy, one that we can't see but we know is there. Our sun requires 250 million years to obit around the galaxy. But, it bobs up and down, passing through the plane of the galaxy every 30 million years. When our solar system passes through the dark matter disc the gravitational effect could cause comets to get knocked out the Oort cloud and come into the inner solar system where they could collide with the Earth. This idea might explain why there have been so several extinction events in the geological history of the Earth.

Perhaps the ancients knew more than we think they did.

Thanks for reading.

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