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My phone beeps again.
It's Matt :yeah ,how are you getting there?.
I reply,with a smile:"actually i thought you could come by and pick me up,i've always dreamed of going on the back of a handsome dark-haired guy's motor;-)"
If he doesn't get it after That i really don't see what else i can do!!
Whilst smoky is marking all the lightposts with her scent,i go into a daydream . I can see myself ,clutching onto Matt, riding his powerful racing motor ...mmm ..
But my phone snaps me out it:sorry but i've got to drop by a friend's house first ,i won't be going your way :-( we'll see each other there angel?".
Ok dream has just burst like a bubble gum bubble and my heart it.
As usual ,i decide to talk to Lisa about it . I'm thinking That it's probably best to stop while there's still home.
,,hey sweetie ! Ready for your ball?"
,,not really".
,,oh are you going to cave in? !"
,,to tell you the truth ....i asked Matt if he could come and pick me up with his motor. ....I wanted to play it romantically you see".
,,he gave some stupid excuse to not be my handsome chaffeur it's too bad,i'd starte imagining things".
,,he's probably got good reasons!stop thinking all the time That it's to do with you! And if it's any consolation ,i've never see Matt take anybody on his motor ".
,,'s strange but then Maybe he has a powerful relationship with it Maybe his motor is your rival hahaha!".
,,if that's so then i'm not out of the Woods yet !she has good bodywork!!".
We both burst out laughing. I knew i'd feel better after talking to her.
,,talking about bodywork, have you decided on a Dress yet ?"
,,huh ...wear the red one. After all don't they say red is the colour of passion?you make yourself up with beautiful smoky eyes and you'll simply be to die for !".
Smoky eyes ,i know how to That i have watched a ton of tutorial video's on youtube !
,,right i'm gonna take smoky home ,get ready and then go .it's a real shame That you can't come..".
,,sorry,tonight i told you i'm seeing frank".
,,oh of course!what are you plans?".
,,candlelit dinner and then we'll see it'll depend on wether he's been good or not".
I giggle .Lisa makes me laugh. I have the net impression that she keeps them on a leash.
In the end ,i took a taxi. It was impossible for me to walk a long distance wearing my 5 inch stiletto heels . Being beautiful has a price ,tell my toes about it. As i step into the crowded room.
I catch sight of Matt talking to Drake. He looks towards me and smile. Holding Matt's gaze seems suddenly difficult. As if i was afraid to see him looking at me with indifference. I calmly make my way towards the two men .
,,wow !katy! You're. !".
,,thank you!".
(Judging by his reaction ,Lisa's advice is paying off)
Drake nudges Matt.
,,hey, stop gaping you might swallow a fly! ".
Not forgetting Lisa's advice i smile and act detached.
,,have you been here a while?"
,,i.....yeah...well no,not t-That long".
(What's is gotten into him suddenly?)
,,Matt came to help me set up".
(Great. ..I thought he was dropping by a friend's house.)
,,uh....i'm gonna get myself a drink ,would you like anything katy?"
,,yes, the same as you please"
I answer nicely,but inside i'm furious. ..I really wonder if he isn't doing everything to avoid me and my advances.
Matt leaves us, to go and get something to drink. I watch him go ,annoyed.
,,i have to get back to the group".
Drake said while leaving me all by myself. I can't wait till the concert start.
But why is Matt acting so strange ?

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