do drake hate me

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This morning i had to get ready double-quick,cause, as expected i didn't get up when my alarm clock rang! .
I only had a few minutes to get ready in any cause,the result isn't perfect but it'll have to do!
I burst into my Office,grab something to note on and head quiclky for my manager's Office.
Completely out of breath ,i knock on his door before opening .
,,hi katy.come in".
At first when i started here, i was a little surprised by garry's very friendly attitude,i guess i imagined an ageing manager worn out by the pressure of such responsibilities. But nothing of the sort. Garry is one of those men who is irreproachable. He is always so unperturbed by anything That might be going around him .
,,problem with the alarm clock'mour?".
,,no,no ,i ....i am on time ,aren't i?".
(If i could at least once in my life ,be more convicing when i lie)
,,you seem out of breath."
(I could have answered That i took the stairs ,but 42 floors, even if i am sporty, is pushing it a little.)
With Garry, i've always trouble in knowing how to act. He can be very friendly and other times rather distant. He's always intimated me. It probably has something to do with his build...or perhaps with the way he twists his seal ring around his finger when he's thinking.
You never know with him if you're to be roasted,simmered,or skewered. Which is exactly what he's doing whilst trying to size me up.
,,hmmm,you asked to see me? "
,,one of our most faithful clients needs a draft for tonight. All the details are in this fire".
I swag clumsily when reaching to pick-up the file That Garry just slid over to his desk .I don't know why,but i always feel like he's scrutinizing me. As i go take the file ,he puts his hand on mine, fixing his blue eyes into mine.
,,you weren't late ,and you're very pretty without make-up on".
,,ah...uhm. ..t-thanks".
I take the file ,a little skeptical of what he said and leave his Office .
With my manager ,it's a little That all the time . He's always very Nice to me,as if he knew that in order to feel confident,i need to be payed c ompliments. Sometimes,i almost get the impression That he's flirting with me. But i reconsider the thought immediately. I don't know what he could see in a girl like me.
As i get back to my Office cubicle,
Matt has just arrived . He puts his helmet under his desk as usual and smile at me broadly.
,,hello angel".
,,hey Matt ".
,,so ,not too achy from yesterday?".
,,no!it's more lisa's latets news,told over a drink last might That tired me out!".
,,having difficultly up grandma?".
,,who are you calling grandma? As i remember it,it was me who knocked you to the floor,wasn't it?".
,,what i remember is you gazing at me in the shower".
,,yeah ,it was Nice extra!".
My tit for tat remark seems to have shut Matt up. I suddenly wonder if i should have said what i did..
,,uh...well Garry had given me a file. The client would like a first draft for tonight! May as well just say That we've got work to do!".
,,did he come on to you again?".
(What is it to you exactly?)
,,he never comes on me Matt. He is just being Nice to me,that's all".
I know That Matt doesn't like the way Garry talks to me . Sometimes i even get the impression That he's jealous,which gives me hope.
,,are you jealous?".
,,no,i'm not unless you saw him bare chested ,i've got a head start,at least judging by the look you had on your face last night".
,,Matt ".
I sigh and hide my computer screen ,pretending to get work .inside my heart is racing, what if he's caught on to something?.
Around mid morning ,we decide to go to the cafeteria. Drake is leaning against the wall looking at his cell phone.
,,hello drake".
He's probably the least talkative guy of the department .
I always get the feeling That i irritate him . To tell you the truth ,it seems to me like everyone get on his nerves.
,,so what've you got this weekend then?" Matt said.
,,my group and i are giving a concert".
,,cool where is it?" I asked drake.
Drake ignores my question and look at Matt .
,,you're welcome to come if you like ".
,,you bet i will! I wouldn't want to miss the great Drake on stage
..actually ,it's more the overexicted young girls swaging their hips in the crowd That i wouldn't miss".
,,don't waste your time .they all come for me,bro".
Drake looks at me briefly in the same way you'd look at anything That you feel forced to invite.
(Charming,don't feel you have to,whatever you do)
I know that even with Matt, although they're quite good buddy's he is not always very friendly . But i do wonder if he doesn't have a problem with me.
Drake leaves casually giving a quick nod as he goes .
,,i can't believe the way he talks to me sometimes!".
,,what?he talks to you normally, doesn't he?".
I pout and fold my arms.
,, oh,come on!chill out little warrior! I'm only joking !!don't get so riled up about it, he's like That,that's all."
That's another thing about Matt,it's simply impossible to critisise any of his Friends.
,,right i am off back to work! I don't particularly feel like spending the night here ,i've got sports practise this evening!!".
With a sting i remember seeing him in the shower .....I really should stop thinking about it.
Matt smiles broadly .I know what he's thinking.
,,if you're about to say what i think you are, don't even think about it!!".
Matt bursts out laughing and drinks his coffee laughing at me blushing.

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