what's happening ?

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This morning ,i wake up with smoky's cold nose against my neck and a few dribby licks ,just to liven things up a little. I glimpse at my alarm clock hoping but no,it's really time to get up!I stretch myself out on the bed after tousling smoky's fur ,who's sat against the edge of the bed,waiting to be stroked.
I obviously didn't get much sleep last night.what with my so called argument with Matt, my encounter with Daryl was simply impossible for me to switch my mind off . I mull over everything whilst under the hot shower .
Act in a video clip?me ? I would never have imagined That someone could one day, make That sort of proposition.I feel excited by all of it,and yet ,i have the strange feeling That Daryl is no ordinary man.well i mean it's as if there was something dangerous about him a little like his car.I have breakfast whilst watching the morning news on tv. I wonder where on earth they get their subjects .
Talking about"saussage day"so enthusiastically, the effort is worth the hail .as usual smoky looks at me with puppy -dog eyes waiting for a buttered slice of toast to accidently fall onto the floor.
,,i dream of Matt falling for me and you dream óf eating my buttered toast.we're both so close and yet so far from our goals ,no?"
Smoky just tilts her head sideways he must really think i talk too much and That i never understand a thing .I make my way towards the bathroom to get ready and whilst ,brushing my teeth,i look through my clothes .after taking smoky for s walk ,i make my way to work.it's a Nice day ,so i make the most of it and go there by foot ,taking my time. There's frenzy in the streets . Early in the morning people look busy. Some are on their way to work,shop keepers are cleaning their front Windows and the taxi's are in full swing. Instinctively i take a look at my phone, there's a message from Lisa.
,,hi babe !so !how did it go ?you're gonna have to tell me about it!lunch together?kissses".
I send my message as i walk :"definitely! 12h30,at felipe's?.
Felip's is our favored Italian restaurant with Lisa. Garry took me there once.he knows all the best places in town . And needless to say That Matt teases me each time i go when i get to work ,i see Lisa, who despite the line of people at her desk ,beams at me and says a silent"yes"with her lips.
,,hello angel ".
,,hello Matt! "
I don't really know how to get the conversation started ,we left each
Other on bad terms last night.
Matt settles in front of his computer screen.I can tell That he want to ask me something .
,,did you get home well last night"
(There we go)
Matt leans back against his chair and stares at me.
,,Matt ,if you want to know wether Daryl behaved properly,you just need to ask."
,,i know him,i'm sure he didn't try anything. Not yet. Otherwise i would never have let you go With him. "
,,what do you mean ,not yet?"
,,so on he'll go all out!well....Not That he really needs to, madam was already overexicted just with the big car !".
,,oh?I didn't know you had a sure complex Matt?!"
Matt bursts out laughing but i can feel That we're not having a good laugh.
,,everything's fine in That respect angel ".
I blush noticeably to That remark ,thinking about the dirty hints lisa had made on the subject.
A few other colleaugues turn around at out nervous laugh.
Sometimes i pity them all for not having such a funny co-worker as Matt and sexy.....at That.
,,i Maybe an overexicted adolescent but,all the same,he suggested i appear in a rap video clip".
Matt suddenly becomes tense .
He gets up brusquely and looks around quickly.
He grabs me by the arm and makes his way towards the break room. What's gotten into him all of a sudden??
Matt haults and stoops imfront of me.
,,wait a minute, what's gotten into you ?!"
,,you're not going to agree to it are you?"
,,i haven't decided yet".
Matt strokes his hair mumbling something.
,,listen katy ,Daryl's not somebody you want to hang out with ok?"
What's with him all of sudden getting all riled up about who i see!he doesn't want to understand my advances ,he leaves me in the lurch ,so why should i listen to his lectures ?
,,Matt, you're not going to do the jealous Brother routine on me are you?"
Matt's beautiful face becomes destorted.
Damn it i didn't want to hurt him .
,,i'd rather you stayed away from his Friends ,that's all. They're not part of your world you don't talk their language!"
,,oh and what would you know about my world ."
The conversation has become heated .
,,katy, you're playing the tough girl, the Alpha female ,we both know what you're really looking for ."
(I know,you don't )
I want to scream it all out to him tell him that i want him to see me other than as a friend.,That i'm doing All i can for him to notice It. That i need him .
Why is that so hard to understand!

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