chaper 2: going home with darly.

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Matt is obviously worked up. He's different with his brother around. He carries on talking inspite of Daryl's remark .
,,what are you doing here? ".
,,i like rock concert you're always sure to meet interesting people".
Daryl doesn't take his eyes off me as he answers his brother's question. I don't know where to put myself. Ok don't worry .just breathe katy breathe.
,,i won't lie ,i would rather have been invited by my very, lovely Brother ...but sometimes ,you have to know when to invite yourself"
A man comes and whispers something in Matt's ear . I can't hear what is said.
However,as Matt turns back towards us ,he glares at Daryl .
,,the guys need a hand backstage .i'll be right back".
,,there's no hurry,do take your time."
I watch Matt leave ,clenching his jaws. He crosses the room giving Drake, who's waiting a friendly nod . I can't help but feel jealous as i notice a group of girls feasting their eyes on him.
I hop up and down With impatience waiting for Matt to be reasonable far before talking to Daryl.
,,let's recap .the colleague That you like ,is my Brother?".
HERE WE GO!my heart stands do i deal with this now?
,,no..actually yes it's complicated ok?please ,stay out of it!"
,,it's unbelievable".
,,a great girl like you falling for , a good-for-nothing idot".
,,it's not That listen, i don't want to talk about Matt with you ok?"
,,i think we have more in common than what you may have thought ,my dear".
I think i'm gonna die.
,,for your information,my Brother doesn't know what he wants. Anyway you've probably already noticed That ".
He does have a point i have difficulty understanding Matt. One minute he's giving me a compliment, and the next he's avoiding my advances still i can't stand him talking about Matt like that,somehow it makes me sick .
,,your brother's a Nice guy !you'd better not say anything about well you know what".
,,don't worry. I won't say a thing. But you're wasting your time.
He clearly cares about you ".
(What?he cares about me?did he tell him about me ?in That case ,why would i be losing my time? )
Our conversation is interrupted by Matt putting his hand around my waist. I start in surprise.
A shot of my adrenaline rushes through me. my body feels electrifed. Yet my heart clenches. What's he doing?
,,he know what?"
Daryl smiles taking a sip of his drink and slips away.several girls chuckle and blush as he walks by. Truly,they both have the Knack of attracting women like flies .
,,so i've met your Brother . I understand why you never talk about him. Can't say things are very friendly between you. "
,,yeah,we're very different.
Come on, the concert's about to start".
After congratulating Drake on his concert and before a load of groupies come to see him,i got outside for some air. Though he's not very talkative at work. I must say he was different tonigt. He really looked good on stage as if he was being himself .I won't even mention the part when the girls screamed at him taking his shirt off.
I enjoyed the show i breathe in the night air and close my eyes tilting my head backwards .during the whole concert i felt unsetteld . With Daryl and Matt exchanging dirty looks .I felt stuck in the middle of a cockfight . I would have liked for Matt to talk to me about his brother,his twin Brother at That!
I realise That i don't know much about Matt, he's always joking and he's rarely serious when it comes to talking about himself.
Matt comes out a few minutes later,i just as i'm typing a message to Lisa. He interrupt me before i have the time to finish.
,,already on your phone angel?"
,,what are you?a police officier?"
,,jees! Have Drake's lyrics rubbed off you on already? We'll have a sort That out in the ring."
(No it's your attitude. And yes, right now i'd love to knock you to the ground.)
I give him a dirty look. I don't feel like talking with him ,if the atmosp here was tense inside with Daryl ,i think it was nothing comparred to what it's like now between Matt and i.
Daryl walks past us, giving me a knowing glance. He stops and gets a set of keys out of his suit pocket . As he presses on the fancy remote decorated with a gilded bull, a car's headlight start flickering just in front of the us . Matt rolls his eyes and i can't believe what i'm seeing. I mumble this to Matt without taking my eyes off the lamborghini . But he ignores my remark .
,,wow !did you are That? "
I give Matt a nudge .
,,do you need a ride katy?"
I'm a little taken aback, i've never been in a car like this one before and i have to admit That i'm astonished Daryl has one. I'm not particularly dying to be alone with Daryl in his car but just for the sake of revenge, i accept.
I mumble this to Matt without taking my eyes off of the lamborghini. But he ignores my remark. I sense so what if it bothers him ,he can still stay he'll take my home. But he says nothing.
I look at Matt who's gorgeous face is looking tense. I start to feel bad .
,,see you tomorrow Matt! "
I give him a little hug .he mumbles something like "great" then i turn towards Daryl who takes me to the car. Ah ,treacherous revenge when caught in your web...
I hear Daryl mutter something to his brother before closing my door . I don't understand what they are saying but i see the expression change on Matt's face.
When Daryl shuts the car door,the smell of leather seizes me,inside is magnificent ,spacious .the bright ness of the chrome contrasts with the Matt, red and black leather of the seats. I find the colours suit the drivier's fiery temperament,i settle myself comfortabel into the passenger bucket seat whilst he goes around to the driver's side . Suddenly i start to stress out even if it's Matt's Brother ,i don't know him at all...well,on the other hand ,i can't really see what he could try when Matt knows.
,,sorry but i have to take a phone call before we leave."
I nod And Daryl grabs his phone . I turn away folding my hands over my bareknees, feeling uneasy at this suddenly proximity with him.
,,yeah man ,it's me .i'm busy. Deal with it.yeah as usual."
He finishes his call and lifts quickly and precisely,the little red flap on the central dashboard. He slowly slides his finger over the little button stamped With the bull,as if stroking it. A sly grin comes over his face.
,,what do you do for living? ".
,,oh ?madam eventually takes an interest in me?".
,,not really. I just wonder how you can afford such a car.that's all.".
,,haha!still as blunt i see! I'm going to have to tame you".
I raise an eyebrow at Daryl. Frankly ,he's got a long way to go before That happens.
,,i have my own import-export business so money's not really a problem !love beautiful cars .beautiful things are my weakness".
As his eyes settle on the steering Wheel,he is close to resembling a kid who's just been giving the most beautiful present ever.
,,what do you trade in?".
,,d'you really want to talk business?what would you say to make the beast roar instead?".
I place both my hands on the side of my seat ,as if preaparing for a rocket to launch.
Something tells me That Daryl drives impulsively. As the engine starts ,i can't help but Let out a "wow"! The sound That emerges has something intense, wild nearly untameable about it.the ball symbol takes on its full meaning.
,,oh yes babe".
I frown looking at Daryl who's eyes are sparkling.
,,turns out you never quit do you? ".
,,giving up is not in my vocabulary."
(I dont know but i want to get to know him beter )
Daryl bursts into laugther .
,,you really are something but no more kidding around.hang on tight.
I'm literally thrown back against my seat .the accelaration is so powerful That i can hardly straighten my head up. As we get to my street ,daryl switches the engine off and looks at me.
,,there you go angel".
,,thanks a lot! it was really great !".
I don't really know what to do say goodbye,hug him.  I fiddle nervosly with the handel of my back.
,,i'd really like to see you again".
,,yes why not! Another ride in a race car".
,,for instance".
Daryl leans his head back onto the edge of the headrest ,when he's not good his condescending look,i have to admit That his face has a little of Matt's gentleness l let go a nervous giggle.
,,you are irresistable when you smile!".
I look towards him with amused eyes.
,,you're overdoing it a bit don't you think?!".
,,no,you really are beautiful for That matter. "
Daryl grabs his phone and starts typing something on  it.
(I wonder what?)
,,a friend of mine,a rapper ,pretty well-known here in New York,is shooting a video clip soon .
I really think you should go to the audition".
I burst into a laughter!me!in a rap video clip!.
,,ok. You're kidding with me right? ".
,,no, not at all .i'd really like you to consider ot ,ok?"
,,here's my number tell me when you've decided ,ok?"
After all,there are no abligations to it.i've got his number ,he doesn't  have mine  so far so good.
,,i'll see you to the door"
Daryl gets out of the car and comes round to help me out. These cars are so low that i have difficulty in extracting myself  gracefully.
,,see  you  soon angel".
Before i have the time to answer he lays a kiss on  my cheek. Far from leaving me indifferent ,i stand there like a lemon gripping onto my bag .
He gestures goodbye by lowering his hat with  his forefinger and dissappears into his car.

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