Chapter Twenty: Cadenceberries, part two

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Piper sat awake the next morning as the dawning sun cast rays like spotlights through the treetops to the forest floor below. She and Jack had been on watch, but the poor boy had fallen asleep shortly after Dimitri and Leo were relieved from their duty. She had let him sleep, welcoming the solitude. She hadn't realized how much she missed her time alone.

She climbed down the tree she shared with Jack and walked some distance away to a patch of wildflowers. She could see the petals begin to open as the sun hit them, and their aroma was sweet and relaxing. She sat down in the very center of the little patch of flowers, and let their scent calm her mind.

She glanced at the others, still asleep in the boughs of the trees, and pulled a small box from her pack. She opened it and touched the brilliant sapphire gem with gentle fingers. It reminded her of the trinkets her Gran would bring home from her excursions to the dwarves. She missed Gran desperately. Once she found her, Gran would know what to do about being queen. And what to do about Valin and Dimitri. Perhaps Piper would ask Gran to be her advisor, and that would solve everything.

"What's that?" asked a voice behind Piper. She jumped and reached instinctively to her boot for a knife. "It's me," said Dimitri as she turned to him.

"Dimitri," Piper breathed, clutching at her chest. "You scared me to death."

"You are still plenty much alive," he laughed and tossed her a large cadenceberry. Piper caught it in the jewelry box. She plucked the fruit from atop the gem, stuffing the box into her bag once more.

"So, what was in there?" Dimitri asked, his mouth full of berry. He pointed to where the box had disappeared back into Piper's bag and popped another handful of berries into his mouth.

"A gift," said Piper proudly.

"From Mother?" Dimitri asked and raised an eyebrow.

"No," said Piper. "From Valin."

Dimitri swallowed hard. "From Valin?" He shook his head, clenching and unclenching his fists. "Piper, he is using you."

"For what, Dimitri? Can a queen not accept a gift from one of her subjects?" She tossed her braid in a mocking gesture, and rose, heading back for the trees. Dimitri grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to him.

"He is using you to become King. I am not as naïve as everyone seems to believe."

Piper yanked her arm free and looked at Dimitri with stern green eyes. "What if he is? You do not wish to be."

"So that's it then? I cannot be your king, so you are going to throw me aside? Royalty seems to suit you well."

It was Piper's turn to grab Dimitri as he turned away from her. "Do not tell me you can't when you know the answer is you won't."

"Piper, if I knew that is what it would take for you to marry me, then I would do it! By Rashiri, I would do anything for you, do you not know that by now?" He shrugged. "It does not matter." He looked at her bag where Valin's gift lay hidden in its depths. He pulled his sleeve free of Piper's grasp, though there was little strength behind it now, and sulked back to the trees.

"You never asked me," she snapped, but Dimitri ignored her.

She followed him back to the clearing of trees and watched him put an end to Jayson and Jack's argument about who would start the fire with magic. The logs erupted in a great spire of flame that threatened to singe the boys' eyebrows as he strode past. Jack and Jayson leaped back with screams. Piper rushed forward and quickly decreased the size of the fire.

"That was dangerous," Valin scolded. Dimitri spun around and grabbed the front of Valin's tunic, pulling him close to his face. "Do not start with me. I know your game."

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