Chapter Twenty-Five: Coronation, Part Two

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The panic ceased once the people at the coronation were in the fresh air and the wounds of their friends tended. There were only a few moderate injuries from the rain of arrows that had descended on them. The rest were minor and easily treated. Piper had addressed them, and the crowd broke apart. After nearly an hour, Piper marched into the antechamber where the Conclave of Nobles and the Dwarvik royalty were safely taking refuge.

"What in the name of earth and sky is happening here?" demanded one of the nobles before she had even covered the distance from the door. "If this is how you will protect your people, then you have much to learn, little girl. Harpy's Point—"

Piper held up her hand to silence him.

"I thank you for your kind words of wisdom and encouragement," she began, and the noble blushed scarlet. "I can assure you, I knew nothing of this, and wish to defer to my Captain for the answers we all seek."

Leland cast his eyes downward, his shoulders drooping. "I suppose this is what I get for putting my faith in a plan concocted by a child," he replied.

At once, everyone turned to look at Leo and Jack. They stared wide-eyed and confused back, and Jack threw his hands in the air.

"Not us, man," he said.

"Some weeks ago, King Jayson came to me having overheard of a plan to kill you, Your Majesty," said Leland. Murmurs and whispers moved up and down the group, but Piper looked at Leland unmoving. Jack and Leo recognized the look at once and remained quiet. "There are still those who are loyal to Taraniz. They were never under her control but simply agreed with her ideas. Jayson wished to go after them immediately, but... Your Majesty, it was my idea to wait until the coronation. I thought we might be able to apprehend more of them at once. It was foolish of me. I admit, I haven't had to think for myself in so long, what with Taraniz, or Noraedin, or whomever it was controlling me. I admit that I am not yet fully myself."

"Then you should have never continued as captain!" someone shouted, and the room erupted into chaos. Piper remained quiet, staring at the man before her. Leland would not meet her eye, and she realized he couldn't have been much older than she was. Leland had mentioned Taraniz had killed the previous Captain for disobeying her orders. His actions were certainly foolish, but she knew her own mistakes in the coming years would be many.

"We all make mistakes," she said to Leland. "This is a new era for us all. No one was seriously injured. We were lucky."

She turned to address the crowd before her, but they did not notice. They argued and yelled over each other. Una sat in a chair along the wall, her arms folded before her and shook her head in disbelief. Piper clapped her hands together, using her magic to amplify the sound. The nobles covered their ears and turned to stare in surprise.

"Thank you," she said politely. "As I said to Leland, no one was seriously hurt. Mistakes will happen. It should be our job now to ensure that any of these rebels are found and brought to justice. I encour –"

"So, it's true," breathed one of the nobles close by. "You as well. You do have magic."

Piper looked blankly at the people before her.

"You will submit for the Cleansing, or be removed from your office," said another noble, more defiantly.

Piper smirked at him. "Who then will take the throne, Allister?"

"As there are no more direct descendants to the throne, your land will be thrown into yet another civil war." Gemari crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at the Elven nobles. "The dwarves will not back you on this. We have chosen to support Piper." She shot a warning glare at Una, then resumed staring at the nobles from behind Jack.

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