SKYLAR'S POVThe next day...
I wake up feeling better than I thought I would. I guess spending time with Jace yesterday slightly boosted my happiness level. Even though he can't remember me, hanging out with him is still fun. His new clueless persona can get a little annoying though. It's like I'm meeting him all over again and relearning things that I didn't really realize about him before.
When I told my mom I hung out with Jace yesterday her eyes lit up with happiness. Then she lectured me and kept telling me how glad she was that I was "finally trying to help my best friend when I should've been more considerate towards him in the first place."
I get out of bed and get in the shower. I told Jace that I skipped school yesterday and he convinced me to go today, so I guess I'm going. Jace has always been able to convince me to do whatever he wants, completely suppressing the fact that sometimes I can be a really stubborn person.
I put on a casual flower print dress with a Jean jacket. I brush my teeth and put my hair in a fish tail braid to the side. I slip on my sneakers, grab my phone and slip it in my pocket in my jean jacket before grabbing my bookbag and running downstairs.
I smirk when I see a dirty blonde haired boy talking to my mom in the kitchen. I run over to him and pull his hair.
"Ouch." Jace winces while feeling his head.
I laugh and a almost mad look comes over his face. "Why'd you do that?" He asks laughing slightly.
"I always do that remember-" I stop myself realizing that he doesn't remember and that he may never remember. "Sorry," I say. I look at my mom with a defeated look on my face.
She gives me a sympathetic smile and quickly changes the subject. "Jace came to walk you to school today!" My mom smiles.
I nod and look at Jace who gives me an awkward smile. I grab a breakfast bar out of the cabinet and hug my mom. I quickly walk out of the house leaving Jace trolling behind me.
Eventually he catches up to me slightly out of breath. "What was that all about?" He asks.
I bite into my breakfast bar. "What was what all about?"
"You just left me knowing that I was walking you to school." Jace says while running his fingers through his hair.
I laugh while a hurt feeling rushes through my veins. "You really can't remember me huh?"
Jace nods his head and stays quiet.
"I always do that. I always leave you behind because we both find it funny and stupid and completely unnecessary. One of things we always did was do stupid weird stuff around each other. I really don't know why but we just did it to make memories together. Its hard to explain and it's basically just a stupid habit we both have." I say laughing.
Jace laughs. "Wow. Our friendship is something special."
I correct him. "Our friendship was something special." I take another bite of my breakfast bar.
"Shut up." Jace says bluntly.
I cough on my breakfast bar shocked by what he just said. "What did you just say?"
Jace grabs my arm and we stop walking. "I said shut up. Stop doubting our friendship. If you want things to get better you should be optimistic. Stop looking at the bad side of everything. I know you're upset and I just can't stand anyone being mad or sad around me. I really wanna know you Skylar but I need your help. It'll only work out if we both give our all into rebuilding our friendship."
I look down at my feet and then up at his big brown eyes. "I'm not really a "give it my all" kind of person anymore. You were the one who gave me that fire to give everything my all. And now that you can't remember me that fire is slowly burning down. "
"It's burning down because of you! When something bad happens your supposed to try your hardest to get over it. You're just giving up so fast. Yesterday you seemed so happy riding on my back and now you're just different. I just want to understand you but you're shutting me out." Jace says.
"You really wanna understand me?" I ask grinning.
Jace gives me a confused look wondering why I'm smiling. "I really wanna understand you." He finishes.
I shrug. "Fine. I'll stop shutting you out. I'll let you understand me. Just be prepared for any and everything because whenever I have a problem or am bored I'm gonna call up my best friend who doesn't know who I am to save the day."
Jace nods proudly and we start walking again. "Good." He says.
I shake my head. "You don't know what you just got yourself into Norman."
Jace smiles. "If it's gonna help rebuild our friendship I'm down. I'll do whatever."
"After I get out of school I'll call you and you can come over." I say.
Jace sighs. "I can't."
I squint my eyes. "How are you just gonna say you'll do whatever to rebuild our friendship and bail on me?"
"I promised Isabela I'd hang out with her." Jace says.
"Why?" I ask trying not to sound too angry.
"She said she felt bad for me because I got hurt and she just wants to hang out. You can come if you want?" Jace shrugs.
I roll my eyes. "I don't want to come I'll just-"
Jace cuts me off. "I'll cancel on Isabela."
"You don't have to-"
He cuts me off again. "But I am." He pulls out his phone a flashes Isabela's number in my face. He hits the call button and puts the phone up to his ear...
A/N Hey guys! In honor of #Jaceabela I thought I'd put Isabela in the story to spice things up lol. I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment! Have a nice day!

Accidental Love // JN Fanfic
FanfictionSkylar and Jace have been best friends ever since 2nd grade. They're inseparable and are always spending time together whenever they can. Jace is an actor and acting gets tough sometimes. He gets frustrated a lot so he always invites Skylar to set b...