Ch 8

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Ch 8

"That's great and all Naruto, but if you lose anymore blood you could die," Kakashi sweatdropped at the end of Naruto's long, heartfelt speech on how he was no longer going to hold the team back. At our sensei's words though, Naruto began to freak out and flail wildly, flinging blood droplets everywhere, one landing on my cheek.

With a sigh, Kakashi walks over to the blond to bandage the wound and I follow out of pure curiosity. You never know what you'll see.

As Kakashi cleaned cleaned the unnecessarily deep cut,before our very eyes, the minute old wound was already beginning to close up and heal. My eyebrows almost hit my hairline as I watched in fascination.

"Hey," Naruto says worriedly as Kakashi and I look at his hand wound, "Am I going to be okay Kakashi-sensei? Tsuki, I don't like that he looks so serious, is everything okay?"

Hearing the worried tone of his voice made something in me become maternal and I snap out of my daze to beam up at the blond, quickly grabbing his hand and wrapping it with the bandages Kakashi was holding. When I was done I leaned down a playful kiss on the cut, like I would with the mini Uchiha when he was much smaller, and only slightly less angry.

"All better Naruto," I assure as his cheeks turn pink. From behind me I hear Tazuna, Ducky, and Fangirl all scoff at my behavior. "You'll keep your hand, right Kakashi?" I elbow the man in the ribs and snap him out of his own train of thought.

As we continued on our way towards the water a few minutes later, Fangirl scolding Naruto all the way, I couldn't help that think Naruto healed a lot like a Jinchūriki.


"I need a knife!" I say say lowly as we get closer and closer to the water. Already the mist was beginning to surround us. Ducky raises an eyebrow at me.

"Why?" He asks meanly. "As the person you live with, I think you'd be more likely to maim yourself than scratch the enemy."

I scowl at the duckling, growling deeply in my throat at him. Then I began to walk forward, stalking towards Kakashi. If stupid little bird breath wouldn't give me the stupid kunai, then I'd get it from our stupid sensei. Sometimes I wish Ducky's mom and dad had drowned him at birth, because he was being completely stupid.

"Give me a kunai," I demand bluntly as soon as I get into step with Kakashi. The one eyed old cripple glanced at me out of the corner of his eye with something akin to amusement, then he casually reached into his weapons pouch and drew out a sharp looking knife. With obvious practice he flipped it over in his hand and holding it to me handle first.

I take it and out of the corner of my eye I see Ducky scoff at the exchange and look in the other direction, which made Fangirl happy as it was her direction. Seriously what was up with him? He was even more annoying and angry than normal. Not to mention he wasn't using his hard head to think.

If someone wanted the old man dead, and they certainly had my greatest sympathies if they did, then there would only be more powerful enemies ahead. No matter what Ducky said, I needed a weapon, because if he was an idiot and died before he killed Itachi, then I died too because I hadn't fulfilled his contract yet.

I set my jaw as we came to the edge of the water, stumbling a bit and clinging to Kakashi's arm as we entered the boat and he was the closest solid, non moving thing. Cat's don't like water, and because of that you can bet that I didn't know how to swim. It wasn't until we were safely on the boat and moving at a seemingly steady rate towards the next promise of land, that I released his arm, leaving little slits in his sleeve where my claws had dug in.

He eyed the cuts for a moment before he gave me a look and I shrug my shoulder sheepishly. As soon as we were all seated, me between Kakashi and Ducky, thankfully nowhere near the water, the man who owned the boat and who was giving us a ride began to row. Almost as soon as the boat didn't scrape the shore anymore the fog surrounded us and we were essentially blind. That didn't stop Naruto from sitting at the front of the boat and trying to keep a lookout though.

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