Chapter 11

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 I was sitting in the baggage claim area at LAX scrolling through my phone.

I could tell by the heat in the gangway leading from the plane that it was hot out, so I had ducked into the ladies room to change. I swapped my jeans and sweater for some shorts and a tee shirt, and stowed my coat in my carry on. Once I got downstairs and grabbed my bags I headed to the arrivals board to see where Sean's baggage claim would be. He was going to be at Claim 9 so I headed down there and found a seat.

As I looked through my Instagram I saw a picture of Sean at the airport earlier that day. I smiled to myself, I was so excited to see him. We hadn't spoken today except via text because of the times of our flights and such. I looked up and noticed the claim filling with people so I started watching the crowd, anxious to catch a glimpse of lime green hair. Finally I spotted him and it took everything in me not to just go running up and jump into his arms. Suddenly I got really nervous, I hadn't seen him in months what if I changed, or what if he changed? What if he didn't like me anymore, or found a pretty girl on the plane. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even here him walk up to me.

"Hey beautiful, long time no see." I looked up to find blue, sparkling eyes looking down at me. I jumped up and gave him a hug, nearly breaking his nose with my forehead.

"It's so good to see you I've missed you so much!" I squealed in his ear.

"My goodness, you really did. I have missed you like crazy too Addy." He squeezed me tight, almost lifting me off the ground. As we released I noticed some papers in his hands.

"What are those for?"

"Oh these? These are for our rental car. I figured it would be easier on Mark if we had our own car since he has to worry about getting Bob and Wade around as it is. You wanna' go get it?!" He clapped his hands together in excitement like a five year old might.

"Sure thing!" I grasped his hand, the world fell back into place, and we headed toward the car rental desk.

When we were finished signing our lives away at the counter we headed out into the warm California sun. I saw a candy apple red Jeep Wrangler in the distance and gasped as the gentleman from the rental place lead us closer to it.

"Sean, you rented us a Jeep?" I asked, excitement growing inside me.

"Yea, I heard a rumor they were your favorites. I decided it might be fun to drive up and down the coast in one plus I knew I would get props from you." He flashed me a dorky smile as we tossed our bags into the back seat. I hopped in the passenger seat as the rental car man handed the keys to Sean and he tipped him. He climbed into the driver's side, pressed a few buttons on his phone and then looked over at me.

"Want to be my navigator?" He handed me his phone.

"Sure, why not! But if we get lost it is not my fault!" He laughed as I took the device.

"I have faith in you sweetie, let's hit the road." He backed out of the spot and began following signs for the highway. As we pulled out onto the road I felt the warm breeze whipping my pony tail around my sunglasses. I looked over at Sean, who was wear a baseball cap backward to keep his green locks in check. I couldn't help but think this was paradise. I glanced at the clock and noticed that it was about one in the afternoon. Back home it would be about three and I would be settling in for the last two hours of the work day. Being in a jeep with a handsome Irishman by my side, cruising down the Coast of L.A. was like nothing I could imagine. I placed my hand in the center reaching for Sean's hand that was resting on his thigh. Our fingers interlocked just as his GPS spoke up and told him to turn right.

"What do you need me as a navigator for if you have the bitch in the box?" I asked looking down at his phone again.

"Well a little hostile are we, if you must know it's because I don't trust the bitch in the box." He giggled at my phrase.

Before I knew it we were pulling up in front of a pretty nice house with a couple cars parked outside. Sean typed something into his phone and hopped out. As I walked around the back of the Jeep he pulled my bag out and handed it to me. I heard a loud screech from behind me. I turned around to see a red blur run past me. Mark. I watched as he tackled Sean to the ground.

"Christ on a bike! Hi Mark!" Sean was rolling around with Mark on the ground play punching each other. Mark jumped up and helped Sean off the ground. He turned to see and grabbed me up in a bone crushing hug.

"ADDY! I HAVE MISSED YOU! WAIT TILL YOU MEET EVERYONE!" I started laughing as he spun me round.

"Hey Mark good to see you... can't breath." I choked out.

"Whoops sorry!" He placed me back on the ground.

"Come on in guys! Everyone is waiting!" 

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