Chapter 5: Unexpected Visitor

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~ Today is my second day as a Senior. I met these 5 guys who are really fun to be with. I tried pushing them away but they kept on following me. It's not that they irritate me . It's just I can't trust anyone. I just want to live my life peacefully. I don't want to have another heartbreak or what. I want to enjoy while I still can ~

*knock knock* "Honey, are you still sleeping? Breakfast is ready. Someone's waiting for you" My uncle said. Who is even waiting for me? It's only 7 in the morning. I ran down the stairs and greeted my aunt and uncle

"Goodmorning" and I let out a yawn. I noticed that my uncle was talking to a person. It was a guy with a black hair. I rubbed eyes and looked closely and recognized the face of the guy. I cannot believe that he was Caleb. How the fudge did he know my address? Did he like stalk me?

"Hey Eli! Good morning" He said with a huge smile on his face. I just can't believe that he knows my address. We just met yesterday and now he is here? Like, is this a dream? I think it is. I tried slapping myself but it didn't work. I breathe deeply and asked Caleb.

"Caleb? What are you doing here? How did you even know my address?" I asked with disbelief. Before he could answer me, he rubbed the back of his neck as if he did something bad. What did he do? Ugh.

"I kinda followed your car-" seriously? That's what you call KINDA? For me it's stalking. "-yesterday when you were fetched by your uncle. I hope you're not mad at me" He told me as he looked down. It would be a pity if I beat him up in front of my uncle and aunt. So I tried to be considerate.

"Why did you follow us? And why are you here?" I asked as I glared at him. We barely know each other and now he's inside my house. Like, this is something we need to report to the police officers.

"I just wanted to drive you to school, so that we can go to school together" He told me as he flash me his huge smile. So he came did that so that he can spend time with me?  He is so sweet.mOh wait, no. He's irritating and a stalker.

"Would you like to eat breakfast, Caleb?" My aunt asked him and winked at me. I'm pretty sure that she's thinking that Caleb is my boyfriend. Which is NOT. N-O-T.  He is just my classmate.

"It's okay, don't worry. You're not gonna be burden to us" My uncle told Caleb and smiled at him. I'm also pretty sure that my uncle thinks he is my boyfriend. He will never be my boyfriend.

"Oh, thank you so much. I feel so loved but I think Eli doesn't want me to eat here" He answered my uncle and aunt and he laughed. I don't know what my uncle and aunt see in him. I don't know what they are currently thinking.

"Yeah, sure. You can eat here. It's fine" I told him and smiled a little bit. But he smiled so cu... Irritating. Snap out of it Elise!!

"Yay! Thank you Eli!" He said as he sat down and started eating my Aunt's cooking. "You cook so good, Mrs. Lynch" He complimented my Aunt's cooking. My father and my uncle were brothers that's why my aunt is a Lynch.

"Oh thank you, Darling. Eat more okay? And you can call me Cassie" My aunt said to Caleb. She was blushing since she got complimented. "So, Caleb. Are you my niece's Boyfriend?" My aunt asked him. I knew it! I knew that she thought about that. But why would she ask him. Whyyy?!! I glared at my aunt then she looked at me and winked. Gosh, why Aunt Cassie, why. Then I caught Caleb looking at me. He was smirking and I don't know why. But he started opening his mouth and I'm pretty sure he'll tell them the truth. I know we would. Well, he should or else I am going to beat him up.

"Well, I can be her boyfriend if you guys want me to" He answered my Aunt and he looked at me with a smirk on his face. Gosh, Caleb. I hate you. He could have just told them the truth. Whyyy?! I glared at him and he smiled and winked at me. Gahd. Why.

"That would be super fine, Dear" My aunt told him. Then I caught my uncle looking at her. He started opening his mouth. And I am sure he will stop her now.

"Honey, it's not fine-" My uncle told my Aunt. I am so relieved he said that. I am so relieved. But then he continued what he was saying "-We would love you to be our niece's boyfriend" oh come on. I thought you would disagree since you're like my father. Ugh. You guys are so mean to me.

"But what about my opinion?" I asked them with a frown. I hope they'll listen to me.

"I know what you're going to tell us, Sweetie" My uncle said and he looked at me. "We know that you'll deny it and you'll tell us that he isn't" Oh thank goodness. We were currently thinking the same thing.

"But how come you're acting like you want him to be my boyfriend?" I asked and glared at them. I seriously am not in the mood to have a boyfriend. I'll get a boyfriend when I reach my 30 years of existence. Or 40 years. And I looked at Caleb who was staring at me.

"But I want to be your boyfriend, Eli" he told me as if he was a baby asking for toys. But of course, I'm not his mother nor his grandparent nor his godparent.

"No. I don't want to be your girlfriend" i told him and glared at him. "There are lots of girls who might want to be your girlfriend since you're good-looking and hot" oh wait. I didn't say that, did i? Oh my gosh.

"I'm good-looking and hot?" He asked me with a huge smile. The color of his cheeks are becoming red. I didn't mean that. I seriously didn't. But even though I'll tell him that, he wouldn't believe.

"Fine, yes. But we need to go to school now" Telling him since it's already 8. I want to go to school early so that I wouldn't see my classmates who might bother me for their homework or projects.

"Oh yeah, sure. Let's go" He told me and we said goodbye to my aunt and uncle. As we went out of the house, I saw his car. And try guessing what his car is. It's a friggin' Ferrari. Like, what?! Caleb is a richie-rich guy. And I don't want to be friends with one. Other people might think that I'm using him for money.

"Cool car" I told him and he looked at me and smiled. Then we got in and he started driving. He turned on the radio and the song that was being played was Chains by Nick Jonas. I love that song. And I noticed that Caleb loves it too. He tried singing it and his voice was pretty amazing. Then nice songs are being played in the radio so I was forced to sing. I didn't realize that my voice was that loud that he heard it. I was kind of embarrassed since it was my first singing in front of a person. But I don't really care. So we just laughed it out. After some time, we reached our school and got off the Ferrari. I saw the guys waiting for us in front of the main entrance of the school. They were glaring at Caleb who was wearing his huge smile again. I tried walking faster so that I can leave them but someone grabbed my hand. I turned around and saw Bennett holding my wrist and was kind of frowning. I bet he's jealous that Caleb brought me to school and not him. But who cares anyways. I bet they're just using me. So I tried removing my hand from his grip but he tightened it and it was pretty impossible for me to let him go of me.

*A/N* (⌒▽⌒)
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~~ See you soon, thank you for reading! Take care & have fun <3 ~~

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