Chapter 21: Let's have fun!

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~ Continuation of Chapter 20 ~

"We're going to the beach since Bennett told me that I should have my sunglasses with me. Am I right?" I told them and they frowned. "Ben, we hate you. This is a surprise remember?" Max told Bennett as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, I just got really excited" He told Max as he grinned. Well, well, well. Bennett is excited? Woah, I never knew he would get excited.

"Did you guys bring sunblocks? I forgot mine at home" Marco asked us and he was rubbing the back of his neck. Poor Marco, he will get a sunburn. Well, he needs to get a little bit tin. I envy his skin color. He's so white, ugh.

"Well, we did. But we won't share with you" The guys chuckled and Marco frowned. "You guys are so unfair. Atleast, Elise here will share with me. Right eli?" He looked at me with such puppy eyes. He looks so adorable, I can't resist. "Those eyes are killing me Marco. I can't say no" I told him and his face lit up. He was so cute huhuhu.

We reached the beach and there weren't a lot of people. Approximately, there are only 30 people here, including us. We ran to the beach as soon I we got our things from the van. Marco, being his clumsy self again, tripped face first and rolled on the sand. We burst out laughing since his face got covered with sand. We rented a hut and placed our things there before changing. I changed faster than the guys. I wore my blue bikini with with polka dots. I applied my sunblock while waiting. Then I saw the guys running towards our hut. Damn, I never knew that they have ABS. This is the first time I saw them without a shirt on, so that explains it. They applied their sunblock and we looked at each other.

"Soo? What are we going to do now?" I asked them and smiled. I'm so excited. I hope we'll have lots and lots of activities together. Wieee. I love the beach so much wieee.

"How about we play Beach Volleyball?" Austin suggested and he sounded like he wants to challenge us. We all agreed and we split up in two teams. So, it's 3 versus 3. We played rock vs scissors (no paper since it will take some time for us to determine the members for both teams). After three minutes, we finally divided ourselves.

They chose between red and blue as their team name. For team blue, there's BENNETT, ELISE and CALEB. The captain is Elise since she's very experienced. And for the Red team, there's MAX, AUSTIN and MARCO.

"Let's have fun!" Marco shouted as the game began. The blue team's Elise served first, the ball went in and Austin received it, he passed the ball to Bennett who also received it and he passed it to Marco. But Max thought Marco wouldn't be able to get it so he ran to receive the ball but he didn't make it in time. Marco wasn't able to receive it and the ball landed on the sand. 1 point for blue team! Then they continued, after 20 minutes of playing, 2 sets of the game has been played. The blue team was in the lead. The score for the first set is 25 for blue, 23 for red. Second set is 24 blue, 26 red. In the third set, the blue is still in lead. But the red tim is catching up. Just one point left before the red time wins, but the blue team got the point. Two points more. They kept playing and guess who won!!!

The blue team won the game! They did their victory dance. "That was such a good game. I had so much fun" Marco told them as he smiled at them. It was pretty tiring but at least we had lots of fun. And now, the red team has to treat us since they lost.

"So what now, surfing?" I asked them since I wanted to surf ever since I got here. I missed surfing. Oh what? Ohh sorry, I haven't told you guys that I surf. And now you know hahaha.

"Sure, why not. But, we will have a surfing competition" Bennett answered as he smirked. Oh what is he thinking right now. "Wondering how? Well, we're gonna perform stunts while surfing. I will ask some people here to score our stunts. And the losers will have to treat the winner and will be ordered around by whoever will win. So you in?" He continued as all of us nodded. This is getting pretty exciting.

Bennett asked a couple of guys who are surfers to score as. We determined who will go first up until the last by playing rock, paper, scissors. The first one is Max, then Bennett, then Me, then Austin, then Marco and lastly Caleb. Max started surfing and he did such cool stunts. The surfers scored him, 8-9-8. Then came Bennett, he surfed as if he is a pro. His stunts were so amazing. I can't believe that he can do those things. The surfers scored him, 9-8-9. It's my turn now. I'm pretty nervous but I have to be confident. I pulled off stunts that I saw in tv, I surfed like it will be my last time. I did a cartwheel as soon as I was stepping on the sand. I'll tell you my scores later. After me, Austin did some really awesome stunts, but he fell into the water when he was about to finish. They scored him 7-8-8. Not bad. Then came Marco, even though he was the clumsy type, he pulled off such great stunts. But not as great as Bennett's. They scored him 8-9-8. Lastly, it's Caleb's turn. He surfed like a pro like Bennett but Bennett was more flawless even though they did different stunts. They gave him a score 9-9-8. But guess who the winner is. It's me HAHAHA! The surfers scored me 10-10-10. Surely I'm the winner. Wiiiieee.

"Well, I won soooo, let's eat. I'm pretty hungry" I told the boys while I'm wearing a smirk on my face. After we eat, we continued enjoying the rest of the day. This is one of the best days I've had, thanks to the guys. They're a keeper. I would always love to be with them, especially this summer. We'll be spending time with each other everyday. I feel so happy. Wiiiiieeeeee.

*A/N* (⌒▽⌒)
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~~ See you soon, thank you for reading! Take care & have fun <3 ~~

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