ONE: Finally Caught

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Handcuffs are around my wrists while two huge dudes are beside me. One is grabbing me by the arm and the other is giving me this mean look as he repeatedly taps his baton on my shoulder while commanding me to walk forward. They are acting tough as if they didn't have a hard time chasing me for several weeks when I was at large robbing banks no one would ever dare rob. Lucky for them, tranquilizers are now available in the market, and they were able to inject me with a huge dose. If only I saw that sniper dude who shot me with that puny tranquilizer bullet, I wouldn't be here enduring their fierce look and heavy hands.

After a few minute walk going in the correctional facility, they shove me inside a small room with a small, creaky chair, a long table in the middle, a small light bulb hanging above it producing shadows all over the small room, and a cracked up mirror. I reckon that mirror is for surveillance purposes. I don't know what it's called but I saw mirrors like this in movies where they put prisoners in a room while they watch outside as the interrogation takes place. I bet they're going to beat the shit outta me if I try something funny, so I just sat there at peace, waiting for an investigator to do the good cop-bad cop routine. Funny how I'm familiar with their activities inside the correctional even though I was never in prison. Well, thanks to those shitty detective films being shown to the feeling know-it-all audience.

"Well, well, well.. The culprit is finally caught," said the fat, couch-potatoish cop as he entered the room with his thin colleague who looks much scared of me than I am to them.

"About time you catch me, huh? Hard isn't it? Bet you won't let me escape this time. You and your boys will never catch me again if I do." I told them.

"What a smart-mouth! It won't get you anywhere but the morgue, boy."

"Okay. Let's chill for a moment here. Officer Riggs, we're here to ask the boy politely, not try to scare him," said the thin cop.

"Like I would be scared of you," scoffs yours truly.

I really don't care if they hit me or what because I've had enough for a day and I just want to go home and sleep, which is impossible because I'm inside a correctional facility. I have no other choice but to endure their questions and try to give stupid answers that may get me my freedom again. Hopefully, they'll buy it.

The interrogation took place and they were asking me questions like; what is my purpose of doing such crimes, blah, blah, blah. I tried my best to stop myself from laughing because I think asking questions that they know the answer to is so freaking stupid. As minutes passed by the questions started getting more personal like I'm about to do an audio book about my life. Like the first questions, I answered them with caution to prevent people I know from getting involved.

"According to your record, Mr. Frank Luna, you were involved in petty crimes since you were 13 years old, such as stealing, shoplifting, and misconduct," said the thin cop.

"Those are not proved at all. You see, I was never charged because I didn't do all those stuff. I don't even have any background on crimes like that," I said hoping that my lies would work.

"If you say so. But why do you think is your name involved if you don't have background on stealing?"

"I don't know. Maybe, I look like a crook or something."

"Bullshit! Officer Malone, he's a fucking liar!" exclaims Officer Riggs.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth, officer? Is that how you talk to people who are not charged because you can't find evidence because of your laziness?" I told him to try to anger him a bit.

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