FOUR: The Shadow Realm

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Two days passed and I'm still not used of the life in jail. My bunk started to feel all sticky because it's so freaking warm inside that I always sweat myself to sleep. My jail seemed too small for me now as if I took steroids and buffed myself up that I can't fit anymore. Those I can take, but what I don't want to see are those spiders weaving their filthy webs all over my face whenever I'm asleep. Imagine living inside a matchbox where there are lots of scary spiders. That is the awful feeling I had these two days that passed. Luckily, we have an hour of yard time in prison giving me the chance to bathe in sunlight and avoid those filthy spiders for a short time.

"We only have one more day to prepare for our escape. You okay?" Apollo asked me while we are sitting on the yard bench beside the weights where the Penchants are working out.

"I guess so. Hopefully, nothing would go wrong. I'm nervous," I answered as I keep on fidgeting my fingers to calm my nerves.

"Chillax, dawg. Nothing would go wrong, I guarantee you. Finally, I can get out this fucking prison after five years," he said as he look up to the skies with his eyes full of hope and excitement.

"You really want to be with your daughter, huh?"

"Of course. It's been five years. I hope she still remembers me,"

"What's her name anyway?" I asked.

"Athena. Gorgeous name, huh? I thought, if I'm named after a greek god, why not get her name from a greek goddess," he answered.

"Nice. The war goddess, Athena. She must be very brave like her father. Don't worry, man. After tomorrow, you'll be with her again."

Apollo seemed to have a plan about what he would do after we break out of here. As for me, I don't know if I'll go back on the streets picking on people's pockets or visit his friend to give me a higher paying "job". I know, it would be as dirty as robbing, but at least, I'll be able to earn a handsome pay.

We kept on talking about his family while on the yard while I stare at our shadows on the ground because the sun is right behind us, as we are trying to warm our backs. We got so preoccupied that I didn't notice the gangsters staring at us as if we are two pieces of meat. Their stare is suspicious. I know that something will go down but I decided to ignore them, hoping that the tension will cease. Unfortunately, as we continue to ignore them, the heat between us seemed to rise to a higher level.

From my peripherals, I saw the three goons stand up and started to walk towards our direction. I haven't been to a fight with a bigger dude so I felt like my heart is about to pop out my mouth. Seconds later and they're in front of us with their fists balled up and ready to smack the shit out of us.

"Ese, what's up?" said the big, bald dude who got tasered in the canteen for hating the potatoes. It looks like he hasn't moved on, probably because of the after taste.

"What do you want, bro?" Apollo answered without fear.

"We want to talk. You with him, dawg?" he asked as he looked straight at me.

"Yeah. Are we gonna have a problem here?" I tried to look brave as I can.

"Got attitude, huh?" the broom-haired guy told me as he smirked mischievously. For a moment there, he looked like Jack Nicholson's version of the Joker.

Apollo stood up as if he's about to beat the shit out of those three gangsters. He looked at me and nodded before he started walking away from those weirdos. He bumped the bald guy's shoulder as we walked right pass them. They didn't like the way Apollo slightly assaulted them. In my head, I started to plan out the next move just in case things go down.

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