FIVE: Serve the Sentence

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I woke up inside a small, dark room, wearing a straightjacket. The room is so small that if a person slightly "healthier" than me goes inside, he will not be able to fit. Good thing I wasn't claustrophobic, or else, I would have gone nuts. It also smells like fuck in there, as if liquefied cat shit was sprayed all over the walls. It's probably one of the smelliest rooms I've been in, next to the dumpster beside my space in the alley where I'm living before. The walls are solid steel also is the door. I cannot even see what's outside. The only thing preventing me from going insane is the weak-lighted bulb above me, with its light flickering every now and then. It appears that I'm inside a solitary confinement cell. Well, probably because of the commotion that Apollo and I created against the Penchants.

"Frank? Frank, are you awake?" someone from the other side of the wall said.

"Is that you, Apollo? We are in solitary confinement, aren't we?"

"Yeah. Fuck! I pussied out there, man. I'm sorry," said Apollo probably referring to what happened when we were at the yard.

"It's not your fault. It's those bastards' fault! Why are they so aggressive anyway? We haven't done anything to them!" I said.

"They're gangsters. It's in their nature," Apollo answered like I said something stupid.

"Where are we, anyway? And how long was I out?"

"We're in solitary because of the heist we did. It's been a about five hours since they brought us here, I guess."

It didn't feel like I was out that long. The dream I had was very short, yet I don't have any idea what the hell does that dream wants me to realize. I didn't even recognize the couple that was murdered by those creepy scientists, yet I pity them. I just hope that everything that I saw was not real and just a figment of my imagination. Still, those poor people looked familiar. I just don't know where I have seen them, and the baby was so cute.

"How long, do you reckon, we'll be in here?" I asked Apollo.

"I was never sent to solitary, but from what I've heard from other prisoners, 12 hours is the maximum. Hopefully, we don't stay that long in here. This place smells like rotten shit. I don't know if I can stay alive with this stench floating around here."

Twelve hours is a pretty long time to be in a small, dark, stinky room. Even the filthiest of the filthy people on Earth will not be able to handle a place like this. Hopefully, our offense was not that serious since we weren't able to kill.. Wait. I realized that I did kill someone, the broom-haired guy that I left in the shadow realm. But if the guards are able to find me, I'm sure that they found the guy as well. We probably got thrown out the shadow realm as I fainted.

Murder is a really sick crime. With someone's blood in my hands, I don't know what the guards and other prisoners do to me if ever I get out the solitary cell.

There are lots of possibilities of things that can happen to me after the whole prison discover what I've done to a fellow inmate. Each of those possibilities in my mind is worse than the last. Worst case scenario, because of what I've done, there is a high possibility that Griggs receive the news. He will surely make my death come faster than expected. I can't wait until that happens. I need to get out of that facility.

"Apollo, we need to get out of here tonight," I said Apollo as I'm doing my best to get out of the straightjacket.

"Woah. I thought you agreed that we'll escape tomorrow night."

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