Chapter Twenty-Five

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Well Look at that.... I updated yesterday and Now I'm updating today...

Can I get a what... What? No... Okay .-.

This is a bit sad... Don't kill me (Hides from readers)

>3 Comment :D Please! <3





"I've got this" he turned his head to give Juvia a cute smirk.

"B-but Gray-sama we used every spell we have" she frowned

"Not every" he smiled at her before she can protest he turns to Natsu and Gajeel who joked about his condition.

"Ice make Lovu Sword" and sprinted towards the dragon slayers.

"Lovu sword?" she blushed…. Lovu? Love…?! her knee's pained as she fell on the floor she watched Gray go after them… For her sake… For Fairy Tail!

"Gombate (Do your best)Gray-sama!" she screamed in her quivered voice. 


Gray smiled at Juvia's encouraging words and he went forward to make them happen, A sword appeared made out of ice in his hand.

It was longer than any sword he had ever created, it was beyond anything he had ever made.

Taking a deep breath as he dived to Natsu, the sword change it's shape in five seconds to a spear as Gray swung it around to hit Natsu on the side of his waist who gasped at the pain completely taken off guard.

Behind Gray Gajeel jumps in screaming

"Iron Dragon's Roar" taking a whiff of air as he breathes out a huge roar of real  sharp shards at his foe Gray who's sword changed into a knightly shield blocking his strong roar.

Gajeel scowled at this Gray's sudden strenght.

Gray didn't get a chance to return the favor as Natsu began moving planning to attack, Natsu and Gajeel nodded to each other which only meant they were up to something.

Gray tightened his grip on the icy shield, he was prepared for any attack but he knew that he wasn't going to last long because of his bad injuries.

He just hoped that it would stay long enough to at least get them hurt.

Gray sighed exhaustion was beginning to hit his body as both Gajeel and Natsu came after him

"Iron Dragon's Lance" Gajeel's arm becomes a large spear head

"Fire Dragon's roar" Natsu yelled taking  breath of air as fire blasted from his mouth.

Just as the fire made it's way to Gray, Gajeel got in front taking a swift move to slash Gray's stomach who stumbled back, he winced at the pain but had to keep going.

The sword in his hand turned into a wide sword and he cut through Natsu's roar eventually but he got burned.

"How amusing" Natsu cocked his head to the side as Gray stuck the point of his sword on the floor, he rested his elbow on the it breathing heavily.

"We're here to fight not rest" Natsu dashed to him

"Fire Dragon iron fist" Natsu's fist envelopes in fire as he made it towards Gray's face.

To My Princess From the Dragon {Major Editing}Where stories live. Discover now