two | Turbulence Oh My!

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 I got out of my driver's car, and self meditated to prepare myself for this dreadful flight. Instantly the four girls stopped their nonsense and looked my way. Of course Danielle rolled her eyes and walked on the plane without any formal greetings. Which was rude, but Danielle was rude. It was a lost cause if you ask me. I fetched my two suitcases out of the trunk of the car and handed them to one of the workers. Sighing I took a breath and plastered a fake welcoming smile on my face. 

 "Olivia! You look like a queen!" Elizabeth ran up to me, admiring my look.

"Thank you, you're too kind." I said giving her a tight hug. Elizabeth was my favorite out of these four. She was kind, truthful, smart, and had an inner beauty that shone like none of these girls. Out of the five monarchs here, she would be my pick to win the Amaren crown.

 She took my hand and led me to my other cousins. There were two sides of the family here the Bourbanes and the Edwards. Except Danielle she was a Harris. I walked up to the group of girls and they all smiled at me. 

"Hello, I'm looking forward to the next week I'll be spending with you." I addressed my cousins. Obviously I'm not looking forward to it, but my parents taught me to treat everyone one with respect. I am a princess after all in my own terms.

"Olivia you're so pretty, I'm jealous!" Isabella pouted her bright red lips.

"Thank you." I laughed at her silliness.

 After our meet and greet we all boarded the private plane. Danielle sat all the way in the front away from all of us. Predictable. I honestly don't understand why she thinks she's so much better than the rest of us. If anything she is a full blown snobby princess, the personality you would think would be a guarantee with the genetics. 

I was sipping on some iced water when the plane hit unexpected turbulence. My water went flying onto my outfit and I was completely soaked. Denise gasped and put a hand to her mouth. The rest started giggling like little school girls.

"That's great." I let out a small laugh, and got up to fetch my carry-on. Now I can change into a proper outfit! For arriving at the palace I was supposed to wear something classy and formal, which I planned on doing. It seems like the universe just knows that I want to wear jeans and a hoodie. Thank you universe. 

I went into the lavatory to change into my new comfortable outfit. Looking in the mirror I saw my immaculate blond hair and my hazel eyes staring back at me. I wish I could be a lazy person, who didn't need to have the perfect hair or makeup. I wish I could stay in bed with my cat, Mittan and just read a novel. I guess that was a little far fetched, my imagination goes all over the place sometimes. Wishing for the unreachable, I know. Pathetic.

Finally after five hours the plane safely landed at Amaren Royal International Airport. I do have quite the anxiety when it comes to flying, never knowing if anything unexpected will happen. Like if there's a mechanical or if the the pilot just plain out is awful at flying. You know the usual.

I walked down the jet's staircase to see a line of people standing waiting to greet us. I assume it's the royal family. Standing there on the tarmac was a married couple, and next to them was a young girl. Then I look to the right of them and see the most handsome teenage boy you could lay your eyes on. That must be the heart-throb know as Prince Weston. I could definitely see the appeal, I can't lie.

The prince stepped forward to greet us. I could feel Elizabeth next to me swoon whenever he took a step towards her. His black hair swept gracefully over his forehead, and his ice blue eyes glistened and pierced in the sunlight. I couldn't tell if he was mean or the most down to Earth guy on the planet. 

He walked past the four girls nodding at them, and stopped at me. The last girl, the one in a black hoodie. Prince Weston gave me a look of 'Really' and let out a toothy smile.

"You must be Princess Olivia Bourbane, but I cannot understand as to why you're dressed like that." He laughed, and I smiled back.

"I suppose I didn't receive the memo." I said shrugging while letting out a quick smile.

"No I suppose not." He shook his head laughing, as he walked back towards the king and queen. 

 The king walked in front of us and prepared to announce something to us.

"Ladies, I welcome you to the capitol of Amaren with open arms. By the end of two weeks we will know for certain who our next queen will be. This is very exciting for both my family and the country. I hope you enjoy your stay at the palace, and please no fighting. Now we will be heading to the Royal Palace. I hope everything meets your expectation." The King smiled at us and took the Queen's hand and led her to one of the private cars.

 This will be a very long interesting week.

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