seven | Danielle the Crass

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Hand upon hand Weston and I walked into the glimmering ballroom. Many noble guests stopped their dances and flirting when they laid their eyes on us. We did make an attractive couple, even with my resentment to the title of Queen, I couldn't lie about how well we fit together. A brunette's short braided head snapped towards the entrance of the room. Of course it was my lovely cousin Danielle, standing there in all of her glorious hate. Next to her was the jealous farouche Isabella, or you could say Danielle's little minion. When you're royal it's as if being of the same blood means absolutely nothing. Your family will backstab you and not even blink a single false eyelash. It was crass, really. 

During our entrance I knew this would be the first time we would be announced as King and Queen. Weston and I still had the coronation of course, but as far as the palace was concerned we would be considered their officials monarchs. Neither Danielle nor Isabella knew of the news, and I pray to God that they do not throw a royal temper tantrum. Well I suppose that would be a sight to see. 

"Ladies and gentleman of the court, I now present to you King Weston and Queen Olivia!" The head guard proclaimed enthusiastically. The crowd of nobility roared with applause and approval.  I trained my hazel eyes on the tall figure that was Danielle. If you looked closely you might see smoke escaping from her small ears. I can already tell she completely furious. It was an unfair advantage, but Weston needed me by his side. Sadly enough leaving his side actually makes my heart flutter with anxiety. I've grown a comfort to him, like I said before we just simply fit. 

"Would you like to dance, my beautiful Queen?" Weston let go of my hand and bowed, his styled raven hair flopped messily over his forehead. I let out a feminine formal laugh. I nodded my head and he took his chance to lead his queen to the dance floor. We danced for hours upon hours, laughing like fools when I accidently stepped on his polished shoe.

"Excuse me, but I have to go use the restroom. I'll be right back." Weston kissed my hand, and I wandered through the sea of people. 

After I was walking back from one of the many powder rooms I noticed footsteps behind me. I quickly turned around and was surprised to see Isabella. I smiled at her and she smiled vaguely in response. 

"Hello, Isabella." I smiled again letting her catch up to me.

"King Weston requested you come to his waiting room. He said it's urgent." She said plastering a frown on her overly caked face. I nodded and let her show the way. I wonder what's urgent, I hope that he's not depressed and no longer wants to dance. Surely I had one or two more dances left in me. "Just right through this door." She opened a door that showed an overly decorated girls bedroom. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Just as I turned to ask Isabella swiftly slammed the dark door in my face. Of course, this was a trap. I banged on the door desperately.

"Isabella! Don't do this!" I pleaded. I cannot be locked in a room, who does that? Is this a cliche movie from the past? 

"I can't wait to see the devastation when I announce to your King that you have left and never want to see him again. I will be crowned Queen, not you Olivia!" I heard Danielle's high pitched voice spit with hatred from the other side of the door. "Goodbye my dear, cousin. It has been grand." As she said that I heard the plunking of her heels walk away, away from the girl she just stranded in a room. 

Sliding down the door frame, I let my anger flow onto my blushed cheeks. How stupid could I have been? I watch television and movies, this has happened a lot. My blurry eyes glanced at my foot and once more I grew in confusion and shock. One of my rose colored heels was not on my foot. I must be clueless to not have noticed the difference of step on each foot. Maybe somebody would see it in the corridor wondering who it belonged to. I need to get out of here. This reminded me so much of what happened with my great-grandmother, Ella Bourbane. Was I experiencing my own Cinderella story? I laughed in response. I honestly don't care as long as I get out of this suffocating room. Where's a cellphone when you actually need one? 

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