ten | The Ending to the New

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A lot of people would call this the end, or the 'Happily Ever After' I assume. I still thought back to my forgotten best friend from high school who claimed that I was in fact going to gain my fairy tale happiness. When she said that, I merely scoffed at the idea and brushed it aside. How completely wrong I was. Looking down I brushed the golden-white silk fabric of my coronation ball gown. In life we tend to receive the things we despise the most. For me I just happened to get a Prince Charming and a beautiful gown.

I suppose this is where my fairy tale would end. The princess had gotten her happy ending, so now we will move on with our mundane lives and wish for magic and royalty. It's different for me. I know this would be the end of the book, if it were one. I shook my head chuckling in amusement. This was the ending to the new. I had so many more blessings in life yet to come, I could feel it.

Walking towards the west entrance of the old historical church I saw my beautiful fiancé. I was welcomed with a loving embrace and a gentle kiss. The doors swung open for a final time and the coronation music started it sung loud and it caressed everybody's ears. Weston gave me a final squeeze of reassurance. I took a much needed breath and prepared myself for the ceremony.

One step after another, arm linked with my love. We walked closer to our destiny. What we were supposed to always become, King and Queen of Amaren. The crowd of colorful dressed people stood and applauded as they saw their new rulers. Happiness and excitement lined the walls of the large stone church. You could feel the energy of the past coursing through the atmosphere.  I looked at the man who had made me the happiest girl these past few weeks, he smiled proudly down at me. This was the very beginning to a start of a quite lovely adventure. And what a grand event it was, the coronation.

Weston and I strode toward the placed thrones next to the marble altar. We kneeled as the bishop declared speech for the conjoined coronation.

"Sirs, I here present unto you King Weston and Queen Olivia, your undoubted rulers. Wherefore all you who are come this day to do your homage and service, Are you willing to do the same?" The bishop of the church said to the crowds of people sitting in the pews. The crowd heavily applauded in a agreement and the trumpets sounded.

The service lasted about three long hours. There were individual vows, communion, and an Amaren tradition of the first dance of the official King and Queen. I now lay upon my canopy bed examining the drooping peach colored rose. Looking at the flower I reflected on the service earlier. It had gone so fast but yet dreaded on for hours. Weston came and sat next to me, he picked at a strand of loose blond hair smiling.

"Hello, my Queen." Weston praised in approval.

"Hello, my King." I mocked lovingly back, returning his smile.

We were now officially King and Queen of Amaren. This might be the end like I said, but it is the new. It's always a new beginning to a grand adventure. You just have to give in to the subjects you despise, and you might just fall in love with your very own Prince Charming.

The End.

A.N: If you're reading this then you have made it to the end of The Princess Project! I hope you enjoyed this short story! Please vote and comment if you would like me to make a remake of this book to make it longer and into twenty to thirty chapters. As you probably know, this short story is entered in the #OnceUponNow contest! If I did win one of the top ten positions or even top twenty-five I would be extremely grateful. The chances of winning are slim to none and I understand that. I am just happy I could write a story I was inspired to write and share it with the Wattpad community! If you do want to help this story get noticed, please vote on the very first chapter on June 14th through the 21st. Every vote counts, so please mark your calendars. Once again I hope that you loved the story of Olivia and Weston! Have a splendid day! x

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