chapter one: They meet

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Lena pov
"Lena!"he shouted at the top of his lungs. Can he be any louder. "Yes uncle." I said. Trying not to roll my eyes.

"Lena I'm out of beer go get more NOW!"omg shut up I can hear just fine "yes uncle." I said finally rolling my eyes.

"Why the hell do I have to go get his fu*kin beer" I sighed walking to the market. Yes I know I'm only 18 but the owner knows what I'm going through and he knows I don't drink. I pick up the beer and head back it took me about 30 minutes longer than usual because it was busy. "Uncle I'm back" I yell.
"Shut up bi*ch you don't have to be so fu*kin loud" he yelled. talk about hypocrite. "You bi*ch"

"Huh" I say in a confused tone.

"You took to fu*king long" SMACK he smacked me straight across the face. huh what I got his beer I wasn't that late "Uncle it was busy that's why I was late I'm sorry" but he still hit again and again until I was almost numb KICK HIT SMACK. "U-uncle I'm sorry p-please stop hitting uhg" i stuttered trying to get the words out but it was painful. It hurts this is the worst he's ever beat me and he's still going at it. KICK SMACK CRACK. "Cough cough uncle it hurts" I heard a crack tears started to fall. "It better hurt you slut I bet you were off fu*kin some guy" what!? He thinks I would sleep around like that? "You whore this is the last TIME!" He said yelling the last part louder.

And grabbed something...omg!! Th-thats a-a GUN! No way he's going to try and kill me... he smirked and pointed the gun at me.

I-i have to get away he's going to kill me. I start to look around for something... anything to help me...I spotted the beer bottles I just bought. What a waste of money.
I grabbed a bottle and and hit my uncle.

"Ouch" he fell to the ground and groaned. I have to leave I'm 18 I don't care anymore I'm fu*kin leaving this hell hole of a so called 'home'.
I start to get up off the ground and groaned from how painful it was.
It never hurt this much.

I get up slowly and... run run far away. It hurt really bad I think the ass cracked a rib while he was kicking me, fu*k.
I started to run faster more like wobble faster, after I heard my uncle yell for me. There is no way in hell I'm going back.

I walked and walked and walked until was totally lost. I was starting to have a hard time breathing. I guess I zoned out but where am I.
I looked around for any sign of life or something I recognized there was nothing no people nothing. And to make matter worse the pain was also getting worse.
"Great" I groaned uhg my life stinks.

I walked a bit more till I realized my vision was going blurry. Oh no I tried my best to push forward to find someone something that could help me until I hit a wall? And passed out. The last thing I saw was silver eyes?

Silver's pov
"Boss" I glared at the man who just ran into my office without knocking and yelling.

"What" I growled. "Um...your needed in the states one of the gangs there got in to trouble" grrr what the fu*k did they do this time. "fine get everything ready in 30 minutes no more" I said without looking at the man."yes" he yelled before leaving what is with everyone and fu*king yelling. Well I guess I'm cancelling the 'appointment' tonight

I was already on my way to the states while my right hand man Marco was informing me on what happened.

It seems some of my guys got themselves into trouble and I have to go clean up there mess. Like always.

"Boss we are landing" Marco said."ok" I said with no emotion.
We got there and quickly solved the problem.

"Boss thank you for helping us" they say in unison while bowing.
"Never ever make it so I have to come and save your asses again got it." I say in a low growl. They flinch "Yes sir." Dumb fucks I'm going home I thought while walking out of the warehouse going back to the car.

"Nn" what? I started to slowly walk towards the sounds I was hearing. careful to make sure they don't sense my presence. I took out my gun and turned the corner and saw something unexpected a small child wandering around almost lifeless. She was looking around I could tell she was starting to have a hard time breathing.

I had my gun in hand and walked to the child getting ready to ask why she was here, and how she got here. but before I could she turned toward me and walked straight into me. What the hell. I looked down at the child on the ground she was breathing heavily and had bruises and cuts all over her petite body."What? hey kid wake up"

I Tried to wake her up (he doesn't hurt 'children') I carefully picked up the small girl and carry her to the care where Marco is he looks over at me.
"Boss?" Marco said with curiosity.
"We're going home" I said.
"Boss the kid?" Marco asked.
"She's coming too once she is healed we'll send her back" I said placing the small girl beside me in the car.
We were boarding the plane when she started to stir in my arms and moved closer to my chest.

Lena pov
"It's cold where am I."
You are in your mind. A beautiful voice stated.
"Who are you"
I am someone who is going to help you.
"What do you mean"
You are pitiful child and I'm going to help you awaken.
Yes child you have a power inside a power that has been sleeping.
Child you are going to wake up soon I will let you rest and come back when you are in your deepest slumber.
The beautiful voice said before vanishing like it was never there.

It's cold I stirred and moved closer to a warm feeling and soon slipped away into unconsciousness.

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