chapter two: hi

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Lena pov
It hurts I was starting to remember why I hurt so much.
It was because of my abusive fu*kin uncle.
But something wasn't right even though I'm in pain I'm comfortable...weird.
I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't.
Then I started to hear voices. Voices I've never heard before.

"I'm not sure when she'll wake up. But she was badly beaten it seems like it was going on for awhile because she has old bruises under her new ones."   Said a voice I didn't recognize.
"Ok when she wakes up inform me so I can ask her some questions." Said a beautifully husky voice.
Oh I get it I'm in a hospital... that means someone found me. And that is all I remember before falling back to sleep.


Still Lena pov
Uhg... I was hearing really loud noises outside and I woke up.
I opened my eyes to see...OMG the room was beautiful I was lying on a huge and I mean huge bed. I started to look around the beautifully decorated room but was stopped when I heard the noises again.

What the hell is going on out there a war...

I thought as I slowly got up and out of the comfy bed and made my way to the door.

I was still in pain but it wasn't as bad as it was before. I opened the door to see big hulk like men minus the green of course on either side of the big doors.

I gasped a little when they turned to look at me I was scared but still curious.
Curiosity killed the cat right.
So I asked what I had been wondering
"Umm... excuse me" they looked at me with a look that said 'go on' so I did.
"Um where am I and what's happening." I whispered that took all of my energy.
At first they just stared at me like I was a cute exotic animal... don't forget small.
"You will be told in due time now please go back inside of the room and wait." I wanted to protest but I couldn't so I listen and went back to the bed I was sleeping in.
The noises continued for what seemed like hours before it became eerily quite. I did what the men told me to and waited but I was getting board and hungry.
So I tip toed to the door and stuck my head out to see if anyone was there. Nope no one the two men guarding the door were gone.

So I took it upon myself to explore and find the kitchen. I walked and walked and walked.

What the hell why is this place so big I just want FOOD but I got fu*kin lost lookin for it.

Great now I don't even know where the room I was staying in was. So I kept walking and found what looked to be a living room...and people in the living room lots of people. Was there a party going on.

Maybe I should leave I thought, but knowing me I bumped into someone making what ever they were holding fall and make a LOUD shattering noise. And I knew everyone was staring.

I didn't want to turn around so I tried to sneak away. Which didn't work.
Some one grabbed me I let out a little squeal of pain and looked up to see a man with beautiful Silver eyes.

Why is everyone and thing so beautiful here. Geez compared to everything I look homeless.

The man and everyone else was staring at me.

I was staring at the man with silver eyes. Till he finally spoke.
"You. Why are you out of your room." He said some what coldly.

I stared blankly at him till I said.
"I got hungry and then I got lost." I whispered quietly so only he could hear.

"You can have whatever is out but when your done tell me I'll bring you back to your room"
I wanted to thank him but before I could someone with a very~ squeaky voice interrupted.

"SILVER~~" the girl squeaked.
God my poor ears. As I was thinking this the girl glared at me.
What did I do. She walked over and hugged the man's arm making sure his poor arm was squeezed between her 'boobs' they were totally fake as a female I can tell. May not have big ones but I can still tell.

"Silver I was lonely where did you go" she squeaked as she glared at me.
The man didn't look to happy and pulled his arm away from her evil clutches and he growled low and darkly.

Which made her flinch and me along with her then he walked away.
Ok that was weird, but he said I could eat so that is what I'm going to do.
I headed towards a long table of food. Everything looked delicious.
I'm pretty sure I was drooling. Not that I cared I mean I'm hungry what do you expect.

I grabbed a plate and filled it with food and walked over to a corner where there were no people. And ate to my hearts delight.
When I finished the plate I went to go get some sweets to bring back to the room with me.

On my way I saw squeaker hanging on some guys.

She spotted me and marched over to me. "Great" I rolled my eyes.
"Hey... you better stay away from Silver. Or else" she yet again squeaked.

"But I don't think he likes you very much and also why do I have to stay away him." Uh oh I think I went to far. Because she gave me a death glare. I mean if looks could kill I would have exploded.

I started to walk away when she tripped me. I mean I would have just gotten up and walked away but the beating my uncle gave still hurt and I also had a cracked rib.

So when I fell I screamed in pain and agony.
Squeaker was shocked and just stared at me like everyone else.
No one helped me they just fu*king stared. I wasn't strong enough to get up on my own. So I struggled trying to hold back tears that were threatening to come out.
My vision was going blurry because of my tears.
Then I felt someone grab my arm and helped me up it was Silver.
He looked at me.
"Why are you on the ground" he looks around and his eyes stop on a terrified squeaker.
"I wanted to get some sweets before I left but my legs gave out on me and I fell" I know. why didn't I tell the truth. that is because I'll get her back myself.
Silver carried me back to my room I had my sweets in hand as he set Me down on the couch in front of a BIG t.v.
"Why did you lie to me" Silver asked. I looked at him shocked, how did he know.
"Because..." I didn't want to tell him it was because I wanted to get back at her. So I said nothing and looked away.
Silver sighed and plopped down and sat beside me. "Mind if I ask a few questions" I looked at him surprised and after a seconds I nodded.
"First, why are you all beat up" I was shocked but answered
"My uncle beat me" he went silent
"Ok my turn where am I ." I asked
"You are in my Italy." Oh Italy.
"Wait Italy. "I said in a shocked tone
"Yes I'll bring you home when you are done old are you anyway." I'm still racking my brain around being in Italy but it didn't bother me because I was away from my uncle.
"I'm 18." He opened his eyes in shock and went back to his cold emotionless  mask. He was about to say something but before he said anything I yawned.
"You should get some sleep." He said as he helped me to the bed. I watched him leave before I fell asleep.

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