Chapter 8 her breakdown

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Silver pov
I slowed down when I saw a bloody girl sitting in the middle of the hall sobbing loudly. When I got closer she looked up at me and fell in my arms and sobbed.

When her sobbing stopped and her breathing steadied I picked her up carefully and brought her to her room. I called the doctor to check up on her as I headed back to the men I left in the middle of the hallway.

"Um...boss who was that." One of my 'stupid' men asked. I was not in any mood to answer there stupid questions I really am not. I looked over at Luke and Marco who looked down the hall toward Lenas room worried. "Someone who you will watch over." Was all i said before heading to my office.

Lena pov
I was awake when the doctor came in. I was going to say hello but nothing came out and I started to panic. I guess the doctor caught on "your fine." How the hell am I fine I couldn't speak."I need you to calm down breath. Can you do that for me." I nodded yes.

After a few questions the doctor finally got it that I couldn't speak.

"Miss can you say anything." I shook my head no. He nodded. "Ok well I'm going to let you rest press the button next to you bed if you need anything. ok?" I nodded my head yes.

When the doctor an hour or so later and lady came in with some food.

"Miss my name is Laura I'll be taking care of you. Ok?" I nodded yes. She gave me a sweet smile and helped me over to the food. It was chicken soup and green tea. "Miss I'll be leaving." She smiled sweetly and left. I went back to my bed and slept.

I woke up the next morning feeling a lot better. The pain wasn't bad and I was craving chocolate or something sweet. I slowly and carefully got out of bed and walked to the door. I cautiously opened the door and walked out. I saw some man in the hall on my way to the kitchen. They rushed over to me. Confused I walked a little faster.

"Miss are you ok, can we get you something." I looked at the floor. "Boys leave her alone..." The men and I looked at who said that to see Laura. I smile in thanks when the men left. "Miss where are you going you should be in your room resting." I shook my head no. She looked at me confused so I pointed to my to my mouth and she put her mouth in an 'o' shape understanding now. Now she is walking with me to the kitchen.

The walk there was quiet and peaceful. When we got to the kitchen there were a bunch of scary men in suits. Laura steered me to the other Side where I saw all the glorious food.

Laura went somewhere and left me in a room with scary men and food one bad one good. I slowly made my way closer to the food trying to bring as little to no attention to me as possible. Which was hard because I'm a small girl who has bandages wrapped around her neck... I looked like someone beheaded me then sewed me back together.

Once I was at the food I grabbed a plate and filled it with anything the that had chocolate. When I heard a familiar squeaky voice. Great.
"Are you really going to eat all that...Ew." Why the hell not its out here in the open. "When me and Silver get married my first order to him is to kill you."
Well that's mean all I wanted was chocolate and next thing I know I'm wanted dead. YAY. Man I wish I could talk I'd totally that the first thing she should kill is her sense of fashion. Because my god who thought up cloths like this.
"The fuck you staring at." She spat at me. "What cat got you're tongue." I just grunted and started to walk away with my food...sweets.
"Don't walk away when I'm talking to you peasant."
...did she just call me a peasant. Oh my god. The next thing I did probably didn't make her very happy. I laughed for the first time in a long time I laughed wholeheartedly. People were starting to turn there heads. I didn't care I just kept laughing. Till I heard the husky voice I've missed so much say "what's so funny."

I turned to see Silver come out from the crowd that had formed while I was laughing like a hyena. Before I could do anything squeaker ran to him and hugged him like she was upset.
"Silver can you believe this bitch. I was just talking to her telling her nicely To stop bothering us. And that last time when she was on your lap was because she thinks you like her and she has no chance with you. And then she started laughing like a crazy person. Silver I don't like her get rid of her please." This made me laugh harder. Everyone was quiet the only sound in the room was me laughing. Once I stopped Silver spoke.

"Lue you are getting on my last nerve just because you're daddy is a high ranking boss means absolutely nothing to me I'm still higher in power and rank so if you ever piss me off again you and your family will no longer have rank or worth in this world or any other. Do I make myself clear." His words were like ice no feeling they help power and authority they sent chills down my spine. I looked at squeaker tears rolling down her cheeks and her makeup all messed up. Wow didn't know she could cry. I almost feel bad for her key word there is almost. She turned towards me with a cold look and charged at me.

Hey wait. And with that I was tackled. I hit my head hard I was dizzy I heard gun shots and yelling. Next thing I know I'm standing and every one besides Silver is looking at me surprised and scared. Why though then I see squeaker on the other side of the room on the floor with a dent in the wall above her like she was thrown.

Lenas other self( her power no name yet)
Lena was falling asleep letting me take over. The slut was attacking us trying to kill us yelling orders to men. Silver was holding a gun and the shots started. I heard Lena whimpering In the back of our mind. I got pissed Lena doesn't like loud noises so to stop it I did the only rational thing. I pick up the slut by the throat and threw her. A satisfying crack sounded when she hit the wall. Everyone stopped to look at us. 'Welp time to go have fun sweetie' I thought to Lena.

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