chapter 7 awake but afraid

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Lena pov
I placed my hand on top of Silvers hoping praying I was awake. I didn't want this to be a dream. I knew I was awake when I felt the coolness of Silvers hand I smiled to myself.

When I touched Silver he stirred then woke up I smiled at him then remembered what happened before the whole scar thing.

I quickly pulled my hand away. Feeling the coolness of his hand slowly disappear made me sad. I looked down at the hands in my lap. When I heard a low husky voice say.
"You're awake.?" I looked up to see Silver looking straight at me with an expressionless face. I wanted to say something anything but I couldn't my voice wasn't coming out. Why? Why!? No this can't be happening. NO!

I started to freak out. Something inside me wanted to come out I didn't fight it and let myself go.

Silver pov
What was happening one minute she was smiling the next she is going crazy. Ripping out her IV and screaming. I rushed out of the room to get the doctors. We came back to the room with a few doctors and nurses Marco and Luke were also following closely behind.

When we entered the room what we saw was both horrifying and heartbreaking. We saw a small girl in the middle of a totally destroyed room with a blank expression, and lifeless eyes.

The doctors asked us to leave. I was hesitant but soon left.

At home
"Boss are you um are you ok." Marco asked me looked at him. We were in a mafia meeting. And I had a stone face and I knew I did because the scared looks the other mafia bosses were giving me said enough. Lena went back into a coma after was attacked by some fucking idiot so I was pissed.

She has been out for almost 2 months. And I don't know why but the worse she gets the worse I get. I brought her home after she was attacked thinking she was safer to have her in the house. The Doctor who works here is watching her.

"Boss we have the WMO (world mafia organization) meeting I a few weeks" said a Lower ranking boss. "Yes I know. It's in California this year correct." I said sternly
"Um...yes it's in 3 weeks to be exact" I nodded. I've been in this meeting for almost an hour and I was getting sick of hearing them argue. When we heard a crashing noise out side the room everyone got their guns out and ran out of the room preparing for an attack.

When nothing happened I went to go see. When I saw a amall wobbly figure in the distance. Knowing exactly who it was I ran to her.

Lena pov
I woke up in the room I was in when I first came to Italy. I heard my stomach growling. Ahh I'm hungry. I started to get out of bed when I saw I had things attached to me I ripped them off some hurt and some bled.

I got out of bed and I was really wobbly. I slowly walked to the. Bathroom and did my business. When I looked in the mirror I saw someone who was to skinny and pale she looked sickly and had a bandage around her neck I took it off and screamed there was a a long gash along her throat I picked at it when I felt the pain I realized that it was me. I hurried away from the mirror and out of the room.

It was hard to walk so I was using the wall I knocked over some things and they made loud crashing sounds. I did do care I just wanted to find someone to help me to save from the feeling that I was feeling.  I kept walking blood following me haunting me. I hated blood whenever I saw it. It made me sad? Angry? Happy? Every thing was confusing. I felt warm tears roll down my cheeks.

I looked up when I heard dozens of hurried foot steps coming towards me. Silver was the first one I saw. When he saw me he started to run scared I started to back away. His face looked like a demon ready to kill. But as he got closer he slowed down . No longer backing away he slowly walked up to me I felt my tears fall again and I cried harder. Once he was close enough I fell into his arms and sobbed.

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