Chapter 5 find me

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Lena pov
I kept walking and crying. Why am I crying? Why do I miss him I only knew him for a week how can I miss a stranger. It was still Raining cats and dogs and I was soaked to the bone. I was starting to get dizzy. Can this get any worse.

"Hey kid are you ok?" A man asked me before passed out. I just had to ask.

I woke up somewhere new. What the hell is with me and waking up in new places geez. "hello is anyone there." When I tried to get up from the bed I'm lying in. I can't. I look down towards my feet and notice that one of my ankle is shackled.

What the fuck." HELLO" I yell this time. I look around the room trying to figure out what is going on. I spot a door at the opposite side of the room. Fan-fucking-tastic just my luck.

I started to mess with the shackle around me ankle seeing if I could get it off. Of course it was a no. As I was doing this the door opened.

I looked to see who it was. An ugly and fat man came in he had a big and ugly scar down his face.

"Hello" he said in a gross scratchy voice. "Who are you" I asked. "Oh I'm hurt I thought Silver would tell his little slut about me" he said I swear him and squeaker were related. "Um...I don't know what you are talking about." I said. " Don't lie to me!" He yelled I flinched.

He sighed " my name is scar and you my dear are bait." Ok his name is too cliche and bait for who. "Bait for who I know no one in Italy." I said trying not to laugh at his name.

"For Silver of course." He laughed. "Umm... sir I'm sorry but I don't think I'm good bait." I whispered in hope he wouldn't yell at me.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Umm...I only met him a week ago." I said. And regretted it right away.

Scar got up and threw his chair it made a loud crashing noise. Next he came up to me he sighed. His breath smelt like alcohol and smoke.

He put his hand on my head and stroked my hair. Ew can you not. "Dear you know what you are very pretty." My breathe hitched what was he doing or going to do to me. "You know it's no good to lie to me." With that he hit me the side of my face stung. "Now I'll come back in a little bit. Ok?" He said and walked off. My face stung the shackle was hurting me and I was getting tired. So I let sleep take me away from this place.

Hearing her voice made me feel comfortable. "Yes"
Child you need to get out of here
Because that man scar will know about you soon and if he finds out about he may sell you. Or worse use you.
But how do I get away.
Wait say nothing that will give you away and when the time is right run.
Wait but how when
I'm sorry I must go.
No wait.

But it was to late I had woken up. I was scared I wanted to go home. But I had no home to go back to. I wanted to see Silver I don't know why though maybe because he could save me.

I heard the door open some time later. I looked up and saw a wounded man. What was going on I was scared. The man fell to the ground with a loud thud. Scar walked in with a knife in his hand. Oh god no.

Silver's pov

"Boss we found scar he is at an abandoned warehouse near Viterbo we have people watching it." Good now I can finally take care of this bastard. "GET READY BOYS WE'RE GOING OUT" I roared.

When we got there we went right in and took them down with ease. Now to find scar. Walked up to a metal door with a lock on it. Marco disabled it easily we walked into the dark room.

An out roar of laughing erupted around the room. Soon the lights flickered on we were in fighting stance and ready to strike.

When the lights came on I saw scar holding a small girl with a knife to her throat and blood dripping down her to her collarbone.

Lena. It was Lena. "Boss is that Lena." I heard Marco whisper next to me. I growled. I didn't know she was here. I was going to have a talk with the men who were supposed to be watching this place.

"So you really did come. HAHA." Scar was laughing and Lena had flinched and the knife had dug deeper into her pale skin. "Oh my dear you said he wouldn't come so I let my guard down. You my dear lied." Scar growled and slit the girls throat. I growled and charged and told Marco to get her to a hospital. He did what he was told and left with with Lena.

"Oh I'm so sorry my hand slipped." He said with a scratchy voice. I took out my gun and in the blink of an eye I shot him in the leg and in the shoulder. "You know what scar I wasn't going to torture you but I think I changed my mind." I spat darkly at the man on the ground.

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