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This past summer (2009), my cousin and I spent almost every day together. We grew bored of our everyday routine and decided that we needed something adventurous to do. I had always been interested in playing the Ouija board. We planned how to get the Ouija home without our parents noticing. (Our parents had always warned us not to play due to the incidents they had encountered with it.)

It grew dark and we decided it would be a good time to play. My house is haunted, so we figured it would attract what we thought we wanted. We turned off the lights touched our fingers lightly to the planchette. At first we asked simple questions: "Do you know what my dad's name is?" It moved calmly over the letters, gliding almost.

When it was done spelling the full name of my dad, we looked up at each other and smiled. At first we were excited that it actually gave us true answers, but after a few questions we started to shake.

The room grew cold and my ceiling fan began to sway back and forth, the chains clanking against the light bulbs. You know the feeling like somebody's watching you? I turned, unsure of what I would see. A faint shadow stood in a corner of my room, as if it was watching us. We were scared, but we couldn't move. It could've been the shadow of anything because we were just paranoid. I stared stiffly, unable to turn away. He came near me, no feet, no eyes. He was wearing all black, the upside-down cross on the front of his cloak.

Human hands but a pig's head. I wanted to scream, but it was as if he took my voice. I wanted to run but it was as if he took my abilities to do anything. Before he could reach me - BAM! My sister walked in and turned on the light to our frightened faces. He was gone.

After this experience, we were so much more than scared, we were terrified.

I slept with the light on for days. We said we would never touch that thing again. A few weeks later, the Ouija was all we could talk about. We decided to play it again, and to this day it's as if we need to play it. We're just a pair of curious adolescents trying to live as on-the-edge as possible, and nobody can tell us not to - not even the demons. - The Limit

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