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Zoe also had an experience with the Ouija and a cell phone, perhaps not surprising since teen girls seem to love their cell phones as well as a bit of Ouija drama. Zoe's story took place in mid-September, 2008. She and her friends Maddie, Kelly and Brianna were all hanging out at Nora's house after school. "We all knew the story that went along with her house," Zoe says. "In the 1800s, a woman had killed her husband and then hung herself upstairs.

So, we thought, this would be a great place to have fun with her Ouija board."

The girls set up the board and almost immediately got a response from a 45-year-old woman named Tyra. They asked Tyra all the typical questions teen girls would ask about boys in their grade and other friends. They really weren't taking it very seriously, however, never considering that something paranormal might be going on.

In fact, they suspected that one of the girls was purposely directing the board to its answers. As they were arguing over who was secretly pushing the pointer, Nora suddenly shouted with excitement. "She asked us if we felt an area of coldness around the triangle," says Zoe. "We all put our hands near it and found that the area was freezing! We knew that it was something paranormal as our hands brushed against the pocket of cold, so we stopped arguing and continued asking Tyra questions."

Getting bored with the routine questions, one of the girls got more daring and asked if Tyra could possibly show herself. They waited for a minute... but nothing happened. Becoming impatient, Kelly shouted out that Tyra should steal Brianna's phone.

It was just a joke and they were all laughing -- until Brianna discovered that her cell phone was missing. Instantly, the laughter turned to chaos as the group of five screaming girls ran around the room looking for Brianna's phone. "Some of us sat back down and asked Tyra where the phone was a couple times," says Zoe.

"Each time she replied that the phone was with her. We were getting seriously freaked out, so Maddie tried calling Brianna's phone. What happened next changed me into a firm believer of the paranormal. Maddie dropped her own phone, screaming that when she had tried to call Brianna's phone, the line had been busy, meaning that someone was using Brianna's phone to call someone. As Maddie and Nora bawled their eyes out, Brianna, Kelly and I asked Tyra where the phone was again. Tyra told us that she had put the phone in the bedroom across the hall, and that we should go get it before someone else finds it."

Banding tightly together, the girls inched toward the closed door of the room. Suddenly it banged open on its own, causing more screams. Terrified, the girls huddled in a corner of the room until they finally got up the courage to go into the bedroom across the hall. "Maddie tried calling Brianna's phone again, and we heard a muffled ringtone," Zoe remembers. "After looking for at least fifteen minutes, Kelly finally found Brianna's phone, sitting in a shoe underneath Nora's bed, freezing cold to the touch."

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