Chapter 2: The decision

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      SKIE POV

  '' SKIE CAN YOU COME OUT HERE''?! max yelled from his station ''yea i'm coming max, you coming Ross'' I asked Ross '' yea'' Ross said. we walked out and saw max '' what's up max me and Ross were taking '' I said '' Skie you need to go ......'' i looked at max with sadness in my eyes '' max please don't send me home, I can't take the abuse anymore'' I said with sadness hoping he would understand ''Skie I know what you go though at home and I would never send you back to that I was going to send you to my mom and dad'' he told me. 

2 hours later

i went back to the apartment a was renting well in Washington. Couple mins. went by and i got a call from Ross.

phone call

(R-Ross, S-Skie)

R- Hay, Skie are you okay, you left mad and i wonted to make shore you were okay and not upset or mad.

S-Hey Ross, i'm fine how are you, i know how i left i was mad, i wont to stay here with you and everyone else, Adam,Barney,Jin,Max,Tim-Tim, you and everyone else.

R- Do you wont me to talk to max, we do lie together?

S- Can you,will he listen to you ?

R-  He mite i will see if Adam will let you work at the office, oh can i tell you something?

S-Thank you! And what do you wont to tell me?

R-Your welcome i wonted to tell you ......

S-What is it Ross i don't judge?

R-Love you!

S- I ....Love.....You.......Too!

R- Really, I have been so scared to tell you that.

S- I was going to tell you tomorrow.

R- So are we a thing or what? 

S- Yea a guess we are but i need to go to sleep see you tomorrow my Narwhal .

Call ends


Skie loves me back. This is amazing but what is max going to do to me for going out with his sister?

Well i'm dead .


Hay guys this is the 2 chapter and i hope you are liking the story so far i am trying to wright as much as i can keep reading and i will tell everyone at some point what happens will Ross die will he live I don't know yet but we will see. 

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