Chapter 27: I CAN'T!

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Skie texted me she was behind the building. I went and found her and she said with tears ''I hate him i can't go back.'' I hugged her and kissed her head and said ''I know, I know, I hate him to, but you came make a stand once and for all.'' I thought she was cold so i put my jacket on her shoulders. Then her dad came around and said ''Lets go and get the dumb jacket off.'' Then She said ''No.'' He turned around and said ''What did you say to me?''She put her head up and said ''NO! I SAID NO!'' He said ''You get in the car young lady, or i will call the cops.'' Then she said ''I don't care call them and i can tell them everything.'' Her dad called them and they came and before they got there he threatened us so we could not say anything and the cops got there he told them everything and showed them the paper and one of them said ''Well you have to go with him, but only for about 2 weeks and you can come back.'' She gave everyone a huge and handed me my jacket and i said ''Keep it, to remember me.'' She gave me a huge and kiss and got in his car and he drove off.


I had no choice but go with my dad, he drove and grabbed me hair and said well pulling it ''you ever do that again and i will rip this hair out, got it?'' i nodded and he started driving again. 18 Hours past and we were back in L.A. and i felt like death when i got back my old house, has soon has i got there i texted Ross.


S- hay, i am bad sadly.

R- It's only 2 weeks and everything will be back to normal

S- But that is 2 weeks of  abuse and i don't feel safe, at all.

R- i don't feel safe ether.

S- why?

R- because he could hurt you and i am not there to save the there past of me.

S- lol, i need to go my dad is yelling for me i do not want to go but i don't have a choice.

R- okay see ya love you.

S- Love you too my Narwhal 


so i went to see what he wanted and i walked out he was drinking as always and said '' You are here and it is not the same as Washington  so you can not go and do what ever you want go it.'' I signed and said ''Well if i say no i will get hit and if i say yes i would be lying. Were dose mom live i would like to see her.'' He got a peace of paper and wrote down an address and said ''here be back at 8:00 or you get hit.'' I left and went to the address and i knocked on the door and a little girl answered I asked the little girl ''Hi, is your mommy home?'' The little girl nodded and said ''Ya lit me go get her stay there.'' I waited and a lady came to the door and froze and said ''Skie is that you?'' I nodded and she gave me a huge and said ''Come in how have you been?'' I looked at her and told her everything and she said ''Well i feel sorry for you that sounds bad, how is your boyfriend?'' I  said ''He is sad, and mad mixed so same as me.'' She laughed and said ''Well you don't know your half sister tayler and your step dad, i will go and get him.'' I nodded and tayler came and looked at me and said ''Have you been crying? Why are you so pretty? Why dose tarence have a picture of you in her room? Why are you here?'' and she stoped my first thought was she is my step sister, she never takes a breath, and my second thought was she is funny and cute. I said ''Your funny Tay.'' She smiled and said jumping up and down with a smile ''Yay some gave me a nickname yay, you are my friend.''I laughed and said ''okay you saw to be funny.'' Then my om came in and said ''he can't come he is packing up a box.'' i asked ''Why? are you guys moving?'' She smiled and said ''it was going to be a surprise but you are here, we are moving to Washington, there is a house right beside you and we are going to stay there, but we are not moving for like 2 weeks so.'' I smiled and gave her a huge and said ''Well that is great cause i get to go back in 2 weeks.'' She smiled and said ''Well we have room in the car we can drive you back.'' I nodded and i said '' well i got to head home its almost 8:00 o,clock, see ya.'' And as i was leaving Tayler grabbed my arm and said ''Can you come back tomorrow?'' Mom said ''Well i get home if it's not late, I will call her.'' She smiled and said okay. I got home at 8:01 and walked in and my dad said ''Your late.'' I said ''By a minute.'' And went to my room.

3 days later

I was in the corner balled up and brain dead. I got up and went to the compute and poster a video called ''i hate him'' ( I did not make the video please show Sarah H some love on you tube. play the video thank you.) Then went back to the corner and just sat there.


I was sitting and looking at you tube to see that Skie posted a video called ''i hate him'' i called everyone in and they watched and we all felt bad and i called her after 4or 5 rings she picked up


R- Hay Skie are you okay?

S- No, my dad locked me in my room, and he went some were.

R- Call someone to let you out.

S- I can't he records my.....



Skie did not stop the call so i hard her dad yelling ''WHAT ARE YOU DOING, NO CALLS YOU FUCKING BITCH!'' Then Skie said in a sad voice ''I wanted to talk you some one and he called so i picked it up and I was just going to talk to him for a little.'' Then i hear police and she grabbed her phone and started talking into it ''Ross, Ross?

CALL ( R= Ross, S=Skie, P=Police 

R- Skie, i am here what is going on?

S- I did what felt right and called the cops I a running to the cops now.

R- Don't hang up, but run like hell.

S- (phone taken from face) Hay, sir i am the one that made the call he is in the house.

P- Okay, who is on the phone?

S- My boyfriend he was the one that gave me confidence to call someone.

P- Well he is a good boyfriend, is this your dad? ( Other officer dragging my dad out)

S- Yes that is him.

P- Can i talk to your boyfriend?

S- Yea sure here ( handing him the phone) but it mite die i do not have a charger. 

P- (laughs) Okay, hello?

R- Yes, who would this be?

P- This is officer Peter and i am the one saving your girlfriend, you were the one that said for her to call the cops?

R- Yea i love her and she is with some psychopath, i told her to call the cop a long time ago.

P- Okay well i will drive her there to the address we have, you want to say see ya to her?

R- hell yea.

P- ( hands her the phone) there you go he is still there.

S- thank you, hay Ross i am coming home in 18 hours amen.

R- That is amazing i can't wait to see you, i got to go we have a video to make i will be counting the hours.

S- Me to, love you my narwhal.

R- love you my raider.



''Hay everyone Skie is coming back her dad is going to jail'' and every one sheered.


I was in the back seat with my dad and i was not happy and he said ''Skie.......


you should see it coming a cliffhanger, haha , anyway please show the real maker of the video some love Sarah H i liked the video and it went great with the fanfic. I hope you liked the chapter see you in the next one see ya BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

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