Chapter 5: Birthday party

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( don't play song tell i say please )


Skie showed me this rap she has on her shoulder  and that one of her rib are broken. After the talk I left the room and herd someone singing, it was Skie. I didn't know the name of the song but I did listen and then she said '' okay my raiders that was my cover for '' little do you know'' and i hope you like it i do have  hard time playing my guitar with my shoulder and rip but it do what i can for my raiders, i will see you later and don't forget to keep raiding  and by'' and she truned off her cam and then truned it back on and said ''Hay my raiders and today i am going to do another cover for sad song and i don't have my piano seens my dad broke it and i'm hoping to by a new one when i get some money anyway  i hope you like it.''

(play song now )


After Skies video i went to the music store down the street to get her a piano seens her birthday is in two days on june 5. i asked the casher which piano was the best and i got the best piano for the best girl. I got the Piano and toke it home and ran into max '' Ross what's up, why do you have a piano?'' max asked '' i got it for Skie your sister not Adam, its her birthday present, do you think she will like it?'' i asked max with a smerk '' Ross i think she will love it, she told me that every interment but her guitar got broken by her dad, she will be vary happy.'' I was happy that max liked what i got her I got a book of all the music she liked and i know what music she liked because she left a lot of music in my room when she stayed the night. 

Day of birthday

Its june 5 and i set all the stuff up for Skies birthday. I called some of her friends Christian, Riley, Cody, Alyssa, and Trenity. They all showed up even Christians girlfriend Sarah. They all put  present for her on the table. She showed up and i was covering her eyes and she said '' Ross why are you covering my eyes, did you do something, something won't blow up in my face or anything right?'' She asked scared '' no nothing will blow up in you face, its something sweet, ready?'' I said about to uncover her eyes ''yea i'm ready.'' I uncovered her eyes and she turned to me and gave me a big huge '' I'm guessing your happy?'' i said with a smile '' Ross this is the happiest iv been in a long time." some time went bye and she started opening her present '' Skie open mine last.'' i said '' O..kay.'' she said a little scared. '' Here's my present hope you like it'' She started to unrap it and looked at the unraped present and got off the floor and gave me a big huge and i said '' i herd you and max told me what your dad did and i felt bad so i got you a piano keybord thing cuz that is what you had before your dad broke it.'' i said and she replyed '' Thank you Ross i love you so much my dad will never tuch this .....ever.'' Max mouthed '' Ross thank you for making her so happy.'' I was happy Skie was happy and 19.''


Hay my clowns, this is the 4th chapter and the people that where Skies friends Christian, Riley and the others are some of my close friends and i think they are so cool and this is the day that i meat all of them but Christian he though a tablet at me and that made me crazy so blame him oh and sarah is someone the he hate muahahahaha. Anyway they are the coolest friends ever and im happy to have meet them when i did, I don' know when i will do the next chapter but we'll see we'll see. See you alll later and oh why not check out my you tube channel i can't put anything up for a little but i will soon and i will see you later and Christian don't kill me please.

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