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Never ending ramblings and the inability to remain still were Isabella's main nervous habits. For someone with the privilege to face multiple bullet wounds and heal within minutes, she felt like a complete utter wimp for being afraid to show her face in the public again. Though, her last encounter with the media at one of these parties wasn't too shabby, facing new faces that might know of her 'abilities' still made her grow uncomfortable.

Despite the fact that she didn't paint herself as a villain, never using her ability for anything negative towards society and only for necessary good, Isabella was more than aware of people's ever growing distaste towards people like her. Their reasoning for their burning hatred always remained unknown to her, sometimes making her go as far as attempting to eliminate her presence from staining their 'perfect society' but of course, that would be impossible with the way her body rapidly healed itself.

"Isabella, relax." Bruce calmly advised the fidgety girl, reaching his hand out from his seat next to her and squeezing her knee through the thin cloth of her vibrant red dress. "We're in Metropolis, your new home, I highly doubt anyone would recognize you here. Especially after you've been gone from the states for so long."

Isabella swallowed thickly, glancing outside the window as the building crowded by photographers and interviewers started coming into sight. 'Nervous Girl' had never been something she was quite used to wearing, always allowing her demeanor to be coated in confidence and carelessness. Even for Bruce, it was rare seeing his old friend this way but he had still learned how to calm her in situations like this from his very few past experiences.

"You're right." Bella meekly agreed, inhaling and quickly exhaling a deep breath of air before brushing her freshly straightened hair behind her ears, flashing him a toothy smile. "Well I hope you're fucking right." She laughed, in a cheap attempt to humor her hyperactive nerves, her posture straightening out in the seat of the car when she saw them arrive to the front of the packed building.

"We're here." Bruce stated, making her go into a panicked frenzy once again when she felt the car stop in place. Silently cursing under her breath, she hurriedly checked her dark cranberry lipstick in her compact mirror before shutting it and turning to look at an amused Bruce a teenage boy like smirk dressing his lips. "You look fine, Isabella."

Giving her no time to thank him for the reassurance, the driver opened up the door on Bruce's side, ominously marking the beginning of her life outside of hiding as a fresh gust of wind flew by her face. "I don't feel fine, I feel extremely and utterly nervous." She confessed, pressing a hand against her lower stomach before narrowing heavily made-up eyes to the seat in front of her.

"I meant it in another way." Bruce spoke, his usual flirty manner coming into place when he stepped out of the car. The camera flashes directed themselves towards the young billionaire, the reporters growing erratic when Bruce pulled Bella out of the car by her hand, multiple questions on the pair arising in the air when he wrapped his arm around her waist and placed a gentle hand on her hip.

The immature act caused Isabella to roll her eyes at the silly entertainment he found in making the media go crazy, playfully swatting his arm before smiling brightly at the path ahead of her. Her tension seemed to ease when she realized no one had recognized her, for now, allowing her to relax and look forward to the party standing a couple of steps away from her.

"So, who's this big bad Lex Luthor?" Isabella questioned him once they were inside and away from the chaos, the fundraiser being much more calmer than Isabella had anticipated. Her fingers immediately wrapped around a short skinny glass of alcohol that the waiters carried, muttering a quick thank you in the worker's direction before diverting her attention back to Bruce who was now scoping the room.

Just as he was about to point someone out to her, a dark haired man with what Bella would describe 'god sculpted' facial features and medium sized glasses appeared next to them. His face held a solemn expression at the sight of Bruce but quickly softened up when he noticed the company next to him. Glancing quickly at Bruce, silently questioning him if this was the notorious Lex, he shook his head at her before looking down at the stranger.

         "Clark Kent, Daily Planet." He politely introduced himself to the pair, earning a generous handshake and flirty smile from the girl while Bruce forced his lips up into a half-smile and firmly shook his hand, the man never adverting his gaze off of Bruce. As soon as the 'run of the mill' bat vigilante question slipped out of the reporter's mouth, Bella cautiously sipped from her drink while she kept her eye on Bruce, curious as to how he'd react under the intimidating personality the man was trying to convey.

         Just as things were starting to get heated between the pair, a loud clap mixed in with an unfamiliar voice behind her caused her to choke on the last sip of her drink. "Jesus Christ." Bella groaned as she placed the now empty glass on a tray while a waiter passed by and rubbed the droplet of loose alcohol off the side of her mouth, careful not to mess up her make up.

         "Boys!" Isabella turned back to the source of the voice, ready to reprimand the stranger for the scare they caused her until her honey eyes were filled with a glorious sight; an attractive man in a buttoned shirt with a red and black color scheme and a killer smile that made her weak in the knees. "Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent, I love it."


so our main character finally showed up; it's about time lex. I've had so much viet coffee I'm so caffeinated lmaoooo. 🤑

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