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        Isabella's long sleek hair was tied to the back of her head in a high pony tail, her fingers wrapped around the strap of her black purse as she walked down the busy three pm streets of Metropolis, taking in her home's new scenery. It didn't differ much from Gotham, excluding the crime rates, but she was thankful for that small touch of home.

Her pouty red lips were formed into a straight line, her serious look interrupted by the feeling of another person's body colliding into hers and not in a way she wanted nor the person she dreamed of. Opening her eyes after the moment of impact, she was greeted with the sight of the good-looking reporter from the gala three nights ago.

         "Fancy seeing you here." Isabella commented, her usual playful tone making its appearance as she helped the man up from the floor. "I don't suppose you know where Lex Corp is, do you?"

         Her plan to visit the man from that night had failed when she realized that she had no idea where to go, though, now there was a ray of hope with the man she had just bumped into. Maybe it might have seemed overbearing to others but Bella wasn't one to wait around. After three days of receiving no call and residing in the loneliness of her apartment since she left Gotham, making the first move didn't seem like a bad idea in her mind.

         "You're the girl from the gala." Clark commented, noting the nonexistent contrast in the girl's appearance from today and the gala. "The one with Bruce Wayne."

         Isabella's face wasn't covered in as much makeup as that night, her signature red lipstick being the only noticeable cosmetic on her face. The fancy dress and tall heels she had worn was now replaced by a light floral sundress and nude kitten heels, only small details in her attire changing.

         "You remember me, how sweet." Isabella brought a hand up to the exposed skin on her chest in a loving manner with a smile. Her next statement was interrupted by a woman walking up to them, catching her breath from her long jog to catch up to Clark before briefly smiling at Bella. "And you are?" Bella kept her voice sweet as she addressed the new woman, extending out a hand which she gladly took.

         "Lois Lane." The woman, Lois, kindly introduced herself as she shook the woman's hand, looking between Clark and her in curiosity. "Aren't you Bruce Wayne's girlfriend? What are you doing in Metropolis?" She questioned the shorter woman, her reporter identity accidentally slipping out.

         "Oh no, no, no. Common misconception. I'm actually quite single and looking for a Lex Luthor but I have no idea where the Lex Corp is." Isabella confessed, making Lois stiffen at the familiar name one that like Bruce, she had grown suspicious of in the recent days. "Would you mind giving me a hand?" Bella politely questioned the pair again, not noticing Lois' abrupt change in character.

         "Sure." Lois forced a strained smile, her tone chirpier than usual and catching Clark's attention immediately. "Just keep going straight and turn on your first left, it's a big building, can't miss it."

          "Thank you so much." Isabella beamed, engulfing the strawberry blonde in a hug for the help. "Love the outfit, by the way." She quickly complimented before continuing on her way, the secret butterflies in the bottom of her stomach growing erratic when she realized she was one step closer to facing him.


she's gonna meet lex again im so excited for her like aw yes girl go for what you want. 🎉✨ work is stuck in my head LMAOOO. I know the timeline for this might be fuck*d up but it was fuck*d in the movie too so it's ok buddies.

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