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Isabella discreetly eyed the taller man up and down, much more intrigued by him than by the past reporter that intruded on her and Bruce's time. From his tousled waves that she'd love to run her fingers through to his overwhelming charisma that radiated off of him, she felt immediately drawn in to the stranger. Lips agape in an almost mesmerized manner for a second at the sight, it remained unknown to her that Lex had gone through the same process beforehand.

         Though, the unlikely duo of Kent and Wayne had caught his attention at first, it was quickly diverted over to the girl in the fiery body fitting dress; not only because of her striking appearance but from the sense of recognition at the sight of her. It had finally hit him where he knew her from on the way there - the girl with the superhuman power, an unforgettable person that seemed to fall of the face of the earth two years ago and now she was back in his sight.

How thrilling.

After introductions and firm handshakes were exchanged, one a little too tight, he turned to the attractive shorter woman. "Lex Luthor." He confidently introduced himself, despite her being there when he did the same to the two other men, noticing the intrigued expression she shot the Wayne at the mention of his name. "And what a pleasure it is to meet you, Isabelle Salvatore. I've heard so many things about you, it's unbelievable to finally meet you in person."

         "Bad things, I don't doubt it." Isabella scoffed, a bit aggravated that someone had recognized her, removing any possibility of a clean slate. "The media just loves to twist things around." Her face twisted in disgust at the thought of whatever vile things her new interest could've heard about her; being labeled a monster always being her least favorite.

"Oh, no no no." Lex placed his hands at his hips, excitedly shaking his head at the girl with a small friendly smile plastered on his lips. "Great things actually, one of them being your undeniable beauty which I must say I can confirm now after seeing you."

Bruce shifted uncomfortably at her side at the sly comment towards Bella, earning a raised eyebrow from Clark Kent while Isabella gushed at the kind words uttered by the mouth of the Luthor junior. For someone who was supposed to be the villain, she couldn't help but feel an odd sensation of excitement in the pit of her stomach at the kind compliment from the stranger. Then again, she was drawn to danger in a magnetic type of way.

         "How sweet, Mr.Luthor." Isabella teasingly cooed, placing a hand on his arm while looking up at him, a giant imaginary target adorned by hearts now placed on top of his head. Her lean black heels had only provided some height, not to fully make up for the height difference between the two, but she didn't mind one bit.

"Please, call me Lex. There's no need for formality here." Lex brushed her formal name for him off with a wave of his hand when she removed her touch from him, shaking his head at her. "And allow me to introduce you to some important people, I'm sure they'd be ecstatic about meeting someone as intriguing as you." Holding a hand out to her and nodding over to the overly crowded room, he awaited her response.

         She looked over at Bruce for approval, aware of his raised suspicions on the young business man standing before her. "Can I?" Bruce nodded at her question, glad that now there was an unplanned distraction for Luthor, making his job at planting a bug far easier than it originally was and he was quite thankful for that.

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