He Gets Jealous

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You were at your job, working as usual. But a new worker comes in today, so you had to work extra hard today. Soul had called earlier and asked if her could take you out for lunch, which you happily agreed to.
You sat on the counter as you swung your legs back and forth, slightly bored. You were snapped out of your trance as you heard the familiar ring of the bell, and you hopped off of the counter and walked towards the door.
"Hello~Welcome to Death's Lullaby~How may I help you today?" You put on a bright smile for the boy.
"Oh, uhm. Hi. I'm Izaya, nice to meet you. I'm the new worker," The boy, Izaya, gave a shy smile.
You almost fainted then and there on the spot. You didn't know the intern would be so adorable!
"Well, hi Izaya! I'm (Y/N), one of the workers here! I'll be showing you around, okay?"
Izaya nodded, "R-Right..."
You smiled, grabbing his hand, "Alrighty then! Let's go~!"
Over the period of a few hours, you and Izaya had the best of fun. You didn't know you could get along so well with a person this quick. You were showing Izaya how to work the register, but stopped as you heard the bell chime over the door. You looked up and saw Soul. You gave him a smile and wave before you went back to helping Izaya. Soul raised an eyebrow, and his gaze turned over towards Izaya.
Soul glared at the black-haired boy. He 'causally' walked over to you two, and leaned on the counter.
"Hey, Lavagirl." Soul said.
"Soul, I'm working right now." You gave a look at him. You turned back to Izaya and gave a soft smile, "Alright, Izaya. This should be the last thing. See you at eight tomorrow, alright?"
Izaya nodded, giving a cute smile, "Right!"
"Oh, wait, Izaya! Before you leave, I want you to meet someone!" You hopped over the counter and hugged Soul.
"This is Soul." You smiled.
"Her boyfriend." Soul added on, narrowing his eyes at Izaya. Izaya raised an eyebrow, but went to shake his hand.
"Nice to meet you, Soul. I'm Izaya."
Soul stared at his hand, and Izaya slowly pulled away.
"R-Right....well....I'll be going. Bye, (Y/N)!" Izaya waved, and he was off. You turned around and gave Soul a look, and he raised his hands in defense.
You stared at him for a little, before a shit-eating grin formed on your face. "You're jealous, aren't you?"
Soul rolled his eyes, "Me? Jealous? C'mon (Y/N), that's so uncool. I don't do uncool things."
"Mhmm. Right~" You smiled, rolling your eyes. "So, you promised me lunch?"


The gang was having a sleepover at Kid's house. You were (sadly) relaxing by Black*Star. Ever since you and Kid started dating, he's been way over protective.
"Alright, what should we do?" Liz asked, stretching her arms. Everyone, including you, shrugged. Liz groaned, "Well, we have a Wii. Anyone wanna play Just Dance?"
There was a few mummers of agreement, and soon enough, everyone was playing Just Dance. Right now it was Black*Star vs. Patty, and you had to admit that it was the funniest shit you've ever seen. You got up from your cuddle spot with Kid and stretched your arms, "Hey, I'm gonna go get a soda. Want anything?" You asked him.
He smiled at you, "No thank you. Do you want me to go get it for you?"
"Nah, I'm good. My foot was fallin' asleep, anyways."
You walked away from the chaos and into the kitchen, walking towards the refrigerator. You bent down and searched for your favorite soda, but you frowned as you couldn't find one. You huffed and closed the fridge, and went to go look in the deep freezer.
"Hey. Lookin' for this?"
You gasped and turned around, only to see Liz's 'boyfriend', Daniel. You looked at the object in his hand, and you narrowed your eyes.
"Give it." You demanded.
Daniel smirked, "Now, why should I do that~?"
You rolled your eyes, "Maybe so I won't die of thirst. Just give me the damn drink so I can get back to Kid."
He frowned when you mentioned Kid, "Why do you like him, anyways?"
You huffed. Time to turn on the sarcasm. "Oh, I don't know, maybe because I'm dating him."
Daniel smirked and walked closer, putting the drink down on the kitchen's island. "You're feisty. I like that in a woman~"
"Well, you are dating Liz. Y'know, your girlfriend?"
Daniel leaned closer, green eyes looking into your (e/c) ones. "Maybe I want you instead~"
Kid walked in, hands in his pockets, as usual. He narrowed his eyes as he saw the scene before him. "Daniel, what the hell are you doing?"
Daniel panicked and let go of you, grabbing the soft drink. "Oh, what's up Kid? Just havin' a small chat~" He gave a false smile.
Kid glared at him, "Nice chat my symmetrical ass!" He walked up to you and softly grabbed your hand, giving you a soft smile. "You okay?"
You nodded, eyes wide as you still tried to process what was happening. Kid gave another smile and walked out of the kitchen, giving a harsh glare towards Daniel. You swore you heard him whimper.
You and Kid went back to cuddle on the couch, and you giggled when you saw Soul trying to do the dance to "Get Lucky" against Maka. He was failing quite horribly.
You heard Kid grumble, and you turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Who pissed in your cereal today?"
"Daniel..." he grumbled, then his eyes widened. "Wait--that didn't sound right....."
You chuckled, pecking Kid on the cheek, "You're adorable when you're jealous~"


"​'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
​And everybody wants a taste
​That's why (that's why)
​I still get jealous..."

(A/N: Had to XD)

You sighed boredly as your father went on and on with his dissection rant. You weren't really paying attention, seeing as how he did this as home. You were looking around the room for the blue-haired baka named Black*Star. He promised you he wouldn't be late to class to go fight, but you were slightly doubting that he was telling the truth.
"Oh, so you finally decided not to skip my class again?" Stein asked from his dissection, half-looking up at the two male figures at the door.
"I made a promise to (Y/N), I intend to keep it!" Black*Star answered, walking in with a brown-haired boy. You raised an eyebrow at the unfamiliar character, but you shrugged.
He wasn't important to you, anyways.
Black*Star ran up to you and hopped into his seat, giving you a peck on the cheek. "Hey, (Y/N)~"
You blushed at the affection and lightly punched his shoulder, "Hey, dumbass. So, you kept my promise, after all."
"Yeah, I did--wait. You doubted the great Black*Star!!" Black*Star yelled, earning a 'shut up' from you dad.
"Pftt. What, no I didn't!" You protested. "........Okay yes I did. But I know not to doubt you anymore!"
Black*Star grinned, "Besides, why would I break a promise to my almighty megami~"
"I'm not a fucking goddess!"
You two looked up to see the boy from earlier. "Oh, hey kid I never met." You greeted. The boy raised an eyebrow, "Uh, my name is Matthew."
"Right, right. I knew that." You said, waving at him.
"HEY, MATTHEW! I'm the amazing BLACK*STAR! Bow down to your God!" Black*Star yelled.
Matthew rolled his eyes, "Of course, my highness." He bowed down, and you could hear the sarcasm when he said that. You giggled.
"Oh! And this my girlfriend, the almighty (Y/N)!" Black*Star introduced you, and you did the 'sup' thing.
"Almighty indeed~" Matthew purred, sending a flirtatious wink your way.
You, being Stein's daughter, stared blankly at him. "Uh.....okay?"
Black*Star saw the poor excuse of Matthew flirting with you, and he grabbed your hand, giving a gentle kiss on your knuckles. You blushed, "Black*Star--"
"Hey, Matthew! You didn't hear me clearly when I said she was my girlfriend." Black*Star glared at said boy, and you saw Matthew whimper in fear.
"R-Right! Well, look at the time! I need to go....bye!" Matthew rushed, then was gone faster than you could blink.
You turned towards Black*Star and removed your hand from his. "What's with the sudden affection?"
"I didn't like the way he was looking at you," Black*Star grumbled, and you chuckled.
"Ah, so you were jealous~"
"He does gets an F if he doesn't SHUT THE FUCK UP WHILE I'M LEARNING!" Maka yelled, sending a book towards his head.


You and Crona were walking downtown, quietly chatting to each other. You both decided to go do something fun, so you decided that you two could go to a restaurant. Once you both walked in, you asked for a table, and y'all were seated. At this restaurant, you could draw on the table, so you happily grabbed your crayons and started to get to work.
After drinking some of your (favorite drink), you set back in satisfaction as you finished your masterpiece.
"W-Wow...." Crona mummred, eyes wide as he saw your drawing. "I-It's really good...."
You glanced over at Crona's drawing and gave him an uneasy glance, "Y-Your's is, too...........I guess."
The waiter came over with your food, and he looked down at you crayon art. "Wow, did you do that? It's awesome!"
You blushed at the compliment, "Uhm, thanks. And thank you for the food!"
The waiter gave a charming smile and gracefully put your food on the table. He took a glance at Crona's drawing, and he have him a weird look.
"Bruh, you got problems." The waiter said. You raised an eyebrow and drifted your eyes to his name tag, which read BLUE DENIM.
"So is your mom if she named you that..." You muttered under your breath.
"Hey, maybe if I get off we can hang out sometime?" He asked you.
You opened your mouth to reject him, but Crona beat him to it. "But she's hanging out with me. Because she's my girlfriend." He said, making sure to put emphasis on 'my girlfriend'.
You stared at Crona with wide (e/c) eyes.
That was the first time he didn't stutter!
Blue scoffed, "Oh, come on! A hot babe like her can't go out with a pink loser like you!"
Crona's eyes started to darken, "Ragnarok?" Within a second, Ragnarok was out, "Gopi?"
"WHAT THE BLOODY FRICK FRACK IS THAT?!?!" Blue yelled, going into a defensive mode.
Crona glared at the boy, "Your worst nightmare~"
Blue got the message and scurried off, accidentally dropping his wallet. Ragnarok stretched over Crona and picked it up, "Oh, hey. Forty bucks!"
All you did was giggle.

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