First Kiss

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Shinigami-sama decided to have a lock in inside the DWMA. You were all going to play a little game of tag, but it was more like Capture the Flag. Shinigami-sama split up the students into two groups: Spartoi (the elite group of students that attended the DWMA), and E.A.T. So, seeing as how all of you were experienced, it was pretty fair. Spartoi was awaiting orders from Maka, so you and Soul just decided to chill. You and him were aimlessly walking throughout the hallways of Shibusen, holding hands while you two laughed and talked. 
"Soul, you're the best thing ever!" You giggled, recovering yourself from Soul's recently told joke.
"I know," He shrugged, giving you a smile. And it wasn't a half-one, it was a genuine smile. 
One that made the fireworks in your stomach go off.
You two chatted for a little while until you came across a door with the words MUSIC ROOM printed in black. You and Soul shared a look, and you both nodded as you pushed the door open together. You gasped lightly as you saw the beautiful room, but the thing that caught your eye was the sleek black grand piano that stood in the middle of the room, proudly shining.
"Hey, you said you could play, right?" You asked Soul.
Soul stared at the piano, eyes full of memories, "Yeah, but I can't. I'm pretty rusty right now...."
You pouted, "Aw, c'mon, Sharkboy~You played for Maka!"
"That's different, she's my meister."
"And I'm your girlfriend!"
"So, whaddya say? Just play a tune! It can even be Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, I don't care!"
Soul chuckled, "(Y/N), I think I'm more advanced than Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." He smoothly walked up to the piano, sitting at the wooden bench. He gestured you to sit down next to him, and you obliged.
He raised his fingers over the piano, hesitant. He breathed out a deep sigh and let them rest on the instrument, smoothly gliding over the naturals, flats, and sharps. You recognized that song in an instant, and a bright smile peeled on your face.
Soul opened his mouth, and to your surprise, started to sing.

"You tell all the boys "no"
Makes you feel good, yeah
I know you're out of my league
But that won't scare me away, oh no.."

You smiled softly as Soul continued to sing, fingers gracefully pressing against the piano to make beautiful music. You were hesitant, but you opened your mouth, also. And you started to sing along with Soul, 

Would you let me see beneath your beautiful
Would you let me see beneath your perfect
Take it off now girl, take it off now girl
I wanna see inside
Would you let me see beneath your beautiful tonight

Your voiced harmonized perfectly, and you and Soul turned towards each other as you sung. You two gave each other a charming smile, and as the song started to end, you both leaned towards each other.

"Would you let me see beneath your beautiful tonight...."

Soul sung, and cupped you face with his hands, bringing a chaste kiss on your lips. You smiled into the kiss and threw your arms over him, making the kiss even more passionate. After a few minutes later, you two broke apart, breathing heavily.

"Wow...." You breathed, a blush forming on your cheeks.

Soul smiled and started to lean in again, only to get interrupted by—

"(Y/N), Soul! Stop sucking face and get your asses back here!" 

Maka's voice rung out, and you and Soul chuckled. Soul stood up and offered you a hand, "Well, duty calls."


You frowned to yourself as you heard what Shinigami-sama just said. 

" long?" Your voice cracked, and you slightly winced. You hated to be so vulnerable, especially in front of someone who held so much power. "Eight months!" Shinigami-sama's happy voice stated. His usual voice that made you smile and laugh only wanted to make you go join Crona in his emo corner.

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