When you first meet

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I walked aimlessly through the busy streets of Death City. I was visiting my sister, Maka Albarn, who lived here. She said that she'd meet up with me at the music shop, but she just left out some small details. 1.) I don't know where the hell I'm going and 2.) There's tons of music shops here! After at least another hour, I gave up and went to the closest music shop that was next to me to rest. I walked in and looked around.

Not many people were here. I shrugged and went to the jazz section, looking at all the records and CD's they had. My (e/c) eyes sparkled as I saw my favorite artist, (insert jazz artist here). "No way!" I gasped, and went to grab it.

But another hand beat me to it. "Ah, sorry." a (very cute) boy with crimson eyes and snow white hair apologized. "I didn't realize you were gonna get it." I blushed, "Nah, it's cool. You can have it." He gave the record to me

anyways, giving me a grin with sharp, pointed teeth. "It's fine. I have plenty of (insert jazz artist here) records at home, anyways." I nodded, giving a smile myself. "I'm (Y/N)."
"Cool. I'm Soul."


It was another exciting day at the DWMA. Me and my weapon, Ashley were leaning on a pillar with our friend Soul and my brother, Black*Star. Apparently, it was a new kid that was coming to the school. And this 'new kid' was apparently Shinigami-sama's own son. I'll admit, I'm a little curious. What will this kid looks like? Will he look like Shinigami-sama? Is he even human? How old is he? Is he a meister or weaponI was interrupted from my thoughts as the most finest boy I have ever laid eyes on walked up the stairs. Sweet Jesus almighty! Ashley smirked, seeing my sudden interest of this new character. I rolled my eyes, looking back at the boy. He had amber/golden eyes, but with the most peculiar choice of a hair style. His hair was jet black, but he had 3 half rings wrapping around his head. I was snapped out of my trance as the boy suddenly collapsed to the ground, muttering some stuff that we has "asymmetrical garbage" and along the lines of that. His weapons helped calm him down, and soon after, Black*Star came crashing down onto earth, demanding for a fight. Huh. So there was another reason for me coming here. I sighed as I got up, deciding to help my brother. Wrong move. Literally eight minutes in, Me, Soul, and Black*Star were twitching on the ground in pain. The new kid offered me a hand, and I gladly accepted. "Nice ass kickin' we got there." I smirked, shaking his hand. He smirked back, "I'm sorry you had to see me like that...." he trailed off. "Oh! I'm Red*Star. But you can call me (Y/N)." He grinned.
"I'm Death the Kid, you can call me Kid."


"See you in your dreams, yeah, baby.
Your nightmares too, that's where I'll find you
Fairy blue―"
I snapped out of my trance as I ran into my weapon, Nyah. "You okay?" she asked my. I nodded and continued walking up the stairs to the DWMA. Today was my first day, but I didn't really want to go. Too much drama, too much craziness, too much...people. I'd rather just stay at home with Nyah while watching Netflix. But of course, my father Franken Stein insisted demanded I go to school to 'improve my abilities'. Not to brag, but I don't really need any improvement. I finally made it up the seemingly never-ending stairs, breathing heavily. Only to be knocked on the ground by something...or someone. "HAHAHAHAHA! DID YOU SEE IT TSUBAKI?" A tall girl with raven hair nodded nervously, helping me up. "I'm so sorry about that! Black*Star can get a little reckless sometimes..." I sighed, taking my headphones off of my ears. "It's fine." I grunted, giving a look to Nyah so we can just get in the damn school already. I'd rather not whoop any ass on my first day. On second thought.....nah. "HEY!" the blue-haired kid yelled, "I DEMAND YOU TO FIGHT YOUR GOD!" I looked back at him then continued walking, "I'd rather not get into a fight on my first day. Perhaps tomorrow." For the past 10 minutes, he kept following me, pestering me to fight him. I was about to reach my limit. "Hey, if I agree to fight with you then can you politely shut the fuck up?" I asked him after the 100th time. (Yes, I counted). "Finally! What took ya so long?! YOUR ONE AND ONLY GOD, THE AMAZING BLACK*STAR, SHALL BEAT ONE OF MY PEASANTS―wait, what's your name?" He tilted his head a little. "I'm apparently one of your 'peasants' called (Y/N) Stein. The pleasure's all mine." I muttered sarcastically. Oh, joy. I haven't even made it past my first day and I'm already gonna get in trouble.

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