He Comforts You

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~Soul's POV~

I walked inside of Maka and I's apartment, only to be greeted by darkness. "Maka? Y/n? You guys here?" I careful walked forwards, trying to make out things in the dark. I walked down the hall towards my bedroom, when I heard the most heartbreaking thing ever. 

"W-Why h-h-h-him..?" Y/n's voice trembled as she cuddled up in my covers. She was crying so hard. She had a look of utter dis pare and emptiness. I felt my soul throb painfully. Watching her cry made me want to cry with her. 

"Y/N?" I said softly, opening the door slowly. She jumped and I stopped. Her eyes where blood-shot. Her cheeks an un-godly shade of red. I choked back a sob. 

"Y-Y/n? A-Are-" I swallowed hard. "Are you ok?'' She shook, her eyes trying to hold back tears, a few slipping down her cheeks. She let out a choked sob before throwing herself at me. I caught her in my arms, sliding down the wall and holding her in my arms.

"H-H-he's gone S-S-Soul!" She cried. Her voice so heartbreaking. "H-H-His heart j-j-j-just stopped a-a-and...!" She hiccuped and cried harder. I cradled her closer, whispering words of comfort.

''Y/n, I know it hurts now. But is this how your Grandpa wanted to remember you? Crying over his memories?" I spoke softly. I felt her shake her head no. "Yeah. How about we go to the living room, and i'll pull out all the ice-cream and blankets I can find, yeah?'' She nodded slightly against my shoulder. 

I smiled softly. "It can only get better from here Lava-Girl..."

I'll try to update later guys...this just hurts my heart...so much...



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