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You where making dinner with Maka for you, Maka, and the boys. Soul had the gang over at his and Maka's, so you decided to be the most wonderful girlfriend ever and make something for them all to eat!

~Meanwhile in the living room of death~

"Hehe you couldn't do that! He doesn't have the balls for it!" Blackstar howled with laughter. BlackStar had just dared Soul to smack his ladies a$$ and his face was as red as a tomatos.

"THATS SO NOT COOL!" Soul cried. Blackstar shrugged. "I wanna see you get smacked." Soul blinked at him and narrowed his eyes.

"Hey babe!" He called over his shoulder, still glaring at Blackstar. "Yes Soul?" You asked, walking out of the kitchen. "We need help with the Tv. It keeps buzzing out and I know it's not time for it too shut down... Can you look at it please..?" He put on his best puppy face and you almost cooed.

"Sure!" You chirped, getting on your hands and knees to look behind the Tv. "SouI don't see anything wron-OW! SOUL EATER EVENS!!!"

you felt a sharp sting in your backside and turned to glare at a blushin Soul.

"H-hehe...Sorry..?" Soul put his hands up and you glared. All the other boys where trying (and failing) to hide there laughs. 

You sighed. "Because i'm guessing Blackstar put you up to this-" "What?!" "Your forgive but, you don't get no sex for the rest of the week." Soul cried out. "No! Baby please!" He tugged on your pant leg and you turned away, going back to the kitchen.


You where doing laundry, you had a basket in youe hand when you walked past BlackStar who was laying on the couch.
He had the best Idea! He waited for you to come back when he raised his hand.


​​​​​​You squealed, jumping. "BlackStar! " You glared at him. "Save it for the bedroom!" You yelled and he smirked.

​​​​​​"So this means sex later on?!" He chirped happily. You scoffed "Hell no! You don't get this for the rest of the week!"

He was horrified...


Kid sighed, "I can't belive i'm doing this..." He muttered. BlackStar told him the best way to get a kiss was to spank his girlfriend. Usually, he would never take advise from him but you had been so busy lately that he reaally missed your kisses.

"H-hey Darling..? Could you get that pencil on the floor? Mine broke..." You smiled. "Sure." You bent over and Kid took this as a chance. He realed back his hands and....


You gasped, "Kiddo?!" He turned all flustered but you got a sudden rush to kiss him, so you did. Kid chuckled in his head, kissing back. 

​​​​​​And some where out your window~

​​​​​​"Dammit! I wanted him to get smacked!" Blackstar grumbled walking home to his girlfriends.


Come on guys.

​​​​​​This is Crona

He is too innocent

But he's so cute!


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