You Get Jealous

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Every since Soul got turned into a Death Scythe, girls have been lining up everywhere. Heart, flowers, messages, notes. It was starting to piss you and Maka off. You and Soul were on a date, and you two had just escaped from another group of fangirls.

You panted as you tried to catch your breath, and you stood up, glaring at anything and everyone.

"Woah, what's your problem?" Soul asked.

You pouted, "It's nothing. Let's just go..!"

Soul grabbed your arm, "But we just got here! (Y/N), if something is bothering you, tell me, okay?"

You looked into his crimson eyes and almost spilled the beans, but you kept your mouth shut. You were an Albarn! You were stubborn as hell! There was no way some puny N.O.T's were gonna bother you-

"SOUL-SENPAI!" The group of fangirls came back, and Soul sighed in annoyance. "C'mon, let's go." He said, but you stood your ground. You rolled up the sleeves of your shirt and stomped up to the hormone-filled army.

"Okay, girls. Let's set something straight. You see the boy right there? He is mine. Mine, only! So back off!" You growled, quite literally. You heard them squeak in fear, and one girl even fainted. They ran off, leaving a cartoon-like dust cloud behind. You huffed and turned back around to a smirking Soul.

"Well, well, well. Who knew Lavagirl was such the jealous type~?" He asked, eyebrow raised. You rolled your eyes, "I was only doing that for Maka!"
Soul chuckled, pulling you in for a short and simple kiss, "I love you, I wouldn't leave you for anyone else."


You loved dating Kid. But with every positive, came a negative. Most people were afraid to even look Kid in the eye, but the girls didn't give a flying shit about that.

They wanted Kid.

The problem? He was yours.

You two were walking to class when a fake looking girl came up to you two, a flirtatious smile on her face.

"Hi, Kid~" She purred, sending him a wink. You rolled your eyes and pretended to gag. Kid, being the gentleman he was, gave a polite smile back. "Hello, Jennifer. How are you?"

"I'm fine, now that I get to see you, today~" Her voice was sickeningly sweet, and being the forever violent person you were, you just wanted to punch the living crap out of her.

He smiled again, "That's nice. Now, if you excuse us, we have to get to class-"

She brought her breasts in front of his face, successfully blocking him from his destination. This bitch!

"Oh, don't you want to hang out later on~? I need a tutor! Maybe you can teach me on," She fluttered her eyes, "Chemistry~"

Your grunted and cleared your throat quite loudly, getting her attention. She frowned when she saw you, "Ugh. It's you."

"Nice to see you again, Wicked Bitch of the West!" You smiled.

She rolled her eyes, pushing her 'boobs' up against Kid's face against. He started to blush and stutter, and your hands turned into fists. You growled and slammed the girl against the wall, getting a satisfying yelp from her. "Listen up, and listen good. If you lay your fake ass hands on my boyfriend one more time, I will rip those motherfucking extensions out of your pretty little head and shove 'em up your ass! We clear?"

"Crystal!" She whimpered, then you let her go, cracking your knuckles.

"Bitch made me break a nail!" You frowned, and Kid smirked.

"Who knew you got so jealous~?"

"A lot of people, actually. You just didn't really notice."

"Hmm. Maybe I have to make up for it, yeah~?" You blushed.

Let's just say, Liz regrets walking in on to what you two were doing.


Black*Star had started to become a lot more mature over the course of six months, and the female population of Shibusen were respecting that dearly. You were pissed off every single day when you saw a girl even glance at Black*Star. You were starting to wonder if you were turning Yandere.....

The bell rung, signaling that class was over. Black*Star and Kilik fought against Ox and Kid, so of course all the girls were hanging around Black*Star.

"Black*Star, you're so strong!"
"Black*Star, the way you used Tsubaki was amazing!"
"Marry me, Black*Star!"

Okay, maybe the last one wasn't true, but you get the point.

After the annual fawning was over, Black*Star grabbed your hand, and you two went to go ask Shinigami-sama for a mission together.

"Black*Star, wait! Wait!" A feminine voice called out, and you both turned around to see Michiko. (A/N: Mah OC~)

"Oh, hey, Mich!" Black*Star smiled brightly, and you frowned.

"Hey, Star!" Michiko smiled, fluttering her eyelashes. They did a little handshake, and you sighed as you took out a scalpel, throwing it at random objects. You got really into that, though, zoning out. But when you zoned back in, you saw Michiko hugging Black*Star. You growled, and without thinking, threw the scalpel towards the girl's way.

Michiko gasped in surprise and looked towards you, and you smiled sweetly at her, "Nice to meet you~ I'm (Y/N) Stein, Professor Stein's daughter. Also, Black*Star's girlfriend."

Michiko gulped and nodded, sending a quick waved before she dashed off. A creepy aura started to surround you, and even Black*Star started to get scared.



Every since everybody figured out you and Crona were dating, every girl all decided to go after Crona.
You and Crona were at the park, and a group of girls decided to harass you today.

"Hai hai, Crona~" Slut #1 One girl greeted him.

"H-Hello...." He shyly greeted, and all the girls all of a sudden giggled.

"Uhm, can we help you?" You asked them.

The girls all hissed at you, then went back to being all adorable. You looked at them in surprise, "Well, o-okay then..."

"Crona, can you be my boyfriend?! I promise I'll treat you better then that emo wanna-be over there!" Girl #2 yelled. Crona was started to get uncomfortable, so you decided it was time to step up.

"U-Uh, may you please leave?" You asked softly. The girls all laughed at you.

You frowned and spoke louder, "M-May you leave! Y-You're upsetting him!"

The only laughed louder.

That fueled your anger. You abruptly stood up, a menacing look on your face, "ALRIGHT! Y'ALL BETTER BACK THE FUCK UP BEFORE YOU GET SMACKED THE FUCK UP!"

The girls, including Crona, (hell, even Ragnarok had to come out for that) gave you all shocked expressions. The leader scoffed and snapped her fingers, and with her signal, strutted away.

"(Y-Y/N)!" Crona stuttered.

You blushed in embarrassment, hiding your face with your hands, "I-I'm sorry!"

"Ya see, moron! I knew there was a reason that I liked her from the start!" Ragnarok commented.

"No you didn't!"

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