TKAM-Chapter 1 Notes

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-Jem broke his arm in the elbow joint

-Jem said Dill's summer was when it started

-Scout said Ewell's started

-Father Atticus, kids call him Atticus

-John Wesley head of Methodist Church

-Atticus is an attorney

-Atticus is related to almost everyone in town

-Atticus, Jem, Scout, Calpurnia (cook)

-Mother died when Scout was 2

-Dill from Meridan, Mississippi, stays in Maycomb every summer

-Dill is a year older than Scout

-Second full paragraph on page 10 is a great example of description

-Radley's keep to themselves

-Radley's boy has not been seen for 15 years (Boo)

-Mr. Radley apparently had a scissors in his leg by Boo

-So Boo put into courthouse basement

-Mr. Radley is dead

-Boo never comes out

-Older brother Mr. Nathan takes Mr. Radley's place

-Three kids try to get Boo to come out

-Jem wants Dill to know he isn't scared of anything

-Try to rock Boo

-Barely see any movement when they go up to the house

-page 16 descriptive paragraph about Boo

-Scout is telling the story

-Jem is 13

-Scout is 9

Atticus's first case?

His first two clients were the last two hung in the jail, the beginning of his distaste for criminal law, pleading guilty to second degree, not first degree murder

Atticus's relation to Maycomb?

Related to pretty much everyone

How did the sheriff decide what to do with Boo?

Boo wouldn't cause anymore trouble, 15 years before seen in public 

Why were the Radley's separated from everyone?

Didn't go to church, never opened doors or windows, didn't talk to people

What features do Scout, Jem, and Dill have?

Scout is a girl, tells it like it is, smart, read to for a long time

Jem is a boy, left arm is shorter than his right, broke his arm, loves football, generally will not refuse dares

Dill is a boy, stays with Ms. Rachel in summer, from Meridan Mississippi, father isn't present, entered into Beautiful Child Contest, white hair (duck fluff) linen shorts that buttoned to his shirt

"Make people into ghosts?"

Boo Radley kept out of sight, keep him in, not seen by public

Fascination with Radley house?

Only exciting thing in town

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