TKAM Discussion Questions Chapters 23-24

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1. In chapter 23, how does Atticus demonstrate the truth of Maudie's statement- "Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets?"

Treats people the same way

2. Do you think Aunt Alexandra is correct in her assessment of Bob Ewell? How so or how not?

He'd do anything to pay off a grudge, does not want people to dislike him.

3. What's your reaction to "perhaps our forefathers were wise" in not putting women on juries?

Kind of a 50/50 statement, it could have been good because women were headstrong and could make/take a different point of view than the others.

4.How does Atticus define "trash?" How does Aunt Alexandra define it? Mrs. Dubose? Dill?

5. What do you think Scout means by saying, "I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks?"

6. Guns are shot twice in the novel. Compare and contrast the circumstances

7. What irony is there in the missionary circle's fascination with the Mrunas?

8. What is the news about the preacher's wife? What does this part of the conversation reveal about the missionary circle?

9. Why is Mrs. Merriweather blurting out the word "hypocrite" ironic?

10. What does "background" mean in Miss. Maudie's view?

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